Golf Swing Tips From Bob Toski

Golf Swing Tips From Bob Toski... Become A Better Golfer

Here is an article by Jack Moorehouse, author of "How To Break 80", where he passes along golf swing tips from Bob Toski, a world renowned golf instructor.

Every successful golf instructor brings something different to the table. Take Bob Toski. Bob is a top instructor. He started the first golf school for Golf Digest in 1971. He conducted schools in Japan, Canada, and the United States. And he opened the first Golf Learning Center in the world with his partner Gary Battersby.

Ranked 15th by his peers in Golf Digest’s list of the 50 Greatest Golf Teachers, Toski has a unique teaching philosophy and approach to the game.

Unlike other teachers, Toski emphasizes “discovery golf” to cut strokes from your golf handicap. He believes that confidence and awareness are the keys to great golf. He also believes that you must become your own coach to play your best.

Toward that end, he teaches students in his golf lessons how to gain swing awareness and learn to reduce swing interference. His philosophy is best summed up in his colorful sayings, which succinctly capture his guiding principles. Below are some golf swing tips and the rationale behind them.

* An ounce of touch is worth a ton of brawn.

New golfers don’t understand the concept of learning the game from the green back. They grab the driver, go to the first tee, and start wailing way. If they make contact, they hit the ball all over the place. After a while, they get frustrated. They get a lot of airmail and no zip code, another of Toski’s colorful sayings. Instead, start with learning to putt. Work on aligning the putter face with the ball and the target line. Look for golf tips that teach you how to do this.

To improve, use two shafts to check alignment and ball position. Starting with straight, four-foot putts, place one shaft on the target line directly behind the hole. Place the second one on the target line directly behind the ball. Use the shafts to line up the putt and square the putter face to the target line. This breeds confidence. Work back to eight- and 12-footers

* Control distance and direction to achieve perfection.

Balance and rhythm are key elements of a good swing. They’re more important than getting into certain positions on the course. The key to controlling distance and direction are in the hands and feet. The hands are the holders and the feet are the controllers for timing and balance. Train your hands to work properly throughout the swing. Eliminate herky-jerky motions and let your feet support the swing’s timing.

* You need traction for action.

To hit good middle iron shots, move to the ball first. Then, move laterally through it, not the other way around. In addition, play the ball just forward of center and bend from the hips, so you’re hitting from a solid base. On the downswing shift your lower body toward the target, so your hands and arms learn to square the club at impact. In short, lead your middle iron downswing with your lower body while keeping grip pressure light but constant.

* Swing on the line of play and you’ll find your way.

Long irons are great for tight fairways on short holes. Tee the ball close to the ground, so it’s almost like hitting the ball from a perfect lie. This enables you to use the club the way it was designed and the way it’s taught in golf lessons. Be aware of your hands and arms as you control the clubface through impact. Also, swing the club back on slight inside arc. If you can’t get enough clubhead speed to get the ball airborne with a long iron, switch to hybrid.

* Feel the force, don’t force the feel.

To play with the “big boys,” you need to hit for distance. How do you do that? You must create force with your clubhead. If you’re a smaller person, use the quickness of your body to offset the lack of size and strength. Below is a good drill to teach this principle:
Place two shafts along the target line—one in front of the ball, the other behind it. Place a golf ball just inside each shaft. Then hit some shots, swinging the clubhead over both balls. This drill encourages you to swing the club from inside to inside, with the club rotating and swinging naturally.

Toski’s sayings are colorful and memorable. They’re also great reminders of key golf principles taught in his golf lessons. Keep them in mind next time you’re at the range or on the course. They’ll help you cut strokes from your scores and your golf handicap.
Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book "How To Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros!". He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicaps quickly. His free weekly newsletter goes out to thousands of golfers worldwide and provides the latest golf tips, strategies, techniques and instruction on how to improve your golf game.

 "How To Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros!"

Golf Swing Basics-Learn To Hit A Fade

Golf Swing Basics-Learn To Hit A Fade

Here is a golf tip, that will help you play golf holes that dogleg to the right, with pin positions on the right hand side of the green and with other circumstance where it dictates that you move the golf ball to the right.

You are going to find yourself in many circumstances, during your golf round, where you best chance for success is to hit a fade. By hitting a fade, you will be able to help take trouble (water, bunkers, out of bounds etc) out of play or at least reduce the risk involved.

This golf tip will give you more control. You won`t get as much distance, unless you are riding the wind with your fade, but it allow you more control when control is more important than distance. Also, understanding how to hit a controlled fade might just help you with your slice!

Learn To Hit A Fade

1. Open Your Feet Position

In your normal golf set up, you would want to have your feet positioned parallel to your target line. Well, in setting up to hit a fade, your feet want to be pointed to the left (if you are right handed) with your right foot in front of your left foot.

2. Open Your Shoulders Position

You want to align your shoulders parallel to your open feet position. This open shoulder position will promote an outside in swing needed for a draw.

3. Aim To The Left Of Your Intended Target

Your golf ball is going to move right (if you are right handed) so you must aim left of the intended target to get the desired results.

4. Open The Club Face

 When you are making contact with the golf ball you want to impart a slice spin on the golf ball and this is helped along by having an open club face. You will have to use the practice range to determine how much you want to have your club face open. Obviously, the more you open the clubface the more the golf ball will fade or slice.

5. Make Sure You Have A Weak Grip

A weak golf grip is when the Vs on your right and left hand are pointing toward the center of your body. In general, you want your hands to be positioned to prevent roll your right forearm to roll over your left when completing your golf swing. In short, you want to keep the club face open through impact.

6. Swing Along The Plane Of Your Open Set Up

OK, your feet and shoulders are pointing left. So, we want to complete our golf swing along that same plane. This set up position promotes an outside in golf swing which in turn promotes the fade.

7. Do Not Let The Clubhead Release

Everything is all set up for you, you are positioned to the right, you have a weak grip, you have the right swing plane. Now, what you need to remember to do is not to release the clubhead.

Take these seven (7) steps to the practice range and see how the golf ball reacts to this different golf set up and swing path. With practice, you will be able to learn to be able to fade or slice the golf ball a little or a lot and be able to use it during your golf round as situations arise. It will help you to be a more well rounded and better golfer.

Online Golf Putting Lesson

Online Golf Putting Lesson

Here is real handy and short ... under two minutes ... online golf putting lesson from Bobby Eldridge, head pro at PurePoint Golf.

In the video, Bobby explains the importance of keeping your shoulders square ,parallel, to your target line in your putting stance. Bobby also explains the affect of having your shoulders open or closed.

Not having your shoulders square can lead to pushes or pulls, as you will see in the video.

After watching the video, you probably will be able to pick some little flaws in your putting set up and, with Bobby`s help, be able to correct them easily.

Bobby always does a good job of explaining why you are doing things in your golf swing, chipping, putting etc and not just dictating that "this is the way that it is done". He provides real sound logic as to why problems will occur if you don`t get set up properly.

Get more great online golf putting lessons at ... ... Putting Lesson DVD

Improve Your Golf Stamina Tip

Improve Your Golf Stamina Tip

Here is a golf stamina tip from Jack Moorehouse, author of the best-selling book “How To Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros!”.

Jack offers some practical advice on how to keep up our energy during a round of golf. I find a few of the suggestions a little curious but, in all, I found Jack`s advice to be quite useful.

Be sure to sign up for Jack`s free weekly newsletter.

Boost Your Energy With Smart Golf Nutrition

Maintaining your energy while playing is critical. A sharp drop in energy makes you feel tired, listless, and confused. That can cost strokes and can turn a good round into a bad. Eating the right snacks during a round helps. In addition to being good for you, they boost your energy level and increase your concentration. But you need to carry the right snacks with you.

Below Are 6 Good Snacks For Golfers:

1. Peanuts (or seeds)
2. Beef jerky
3. String cheese
4. Small apple
5. Home popped popcorn
6. Low carb bars

The key to maintaining your energy level while golfing is controlling blood sugar. That means avoiding foods made with refined carbohydrates (things made with white flour and/or sugars). Eating foods load with carbs causes your blood sugar to rise sharply, so you feel alert and energetic

But after awhile, your body adjusts and your blood sugar drops. So does your energy. Suddenly, you don’t feel as alert or as energetic as you did before. Instead, you feel tired, irritable, and confused. The carbohydrates are backfiring, causing your blood sugar to tank.

Eating the right snacks, however, levels off your blood sugar and boosts energy. Good snacks contain no refined flour, sugar, or trans fats. Trans fats are found in food made with hydrogenated oil, processed foods, and shortening, which is used in all most all baked goods. Snacks like peanuts or sunflower seeds, beef jerky, or string cheese provide a quick boost of energy during a round. Low carb bars do, too. But avoid them if they’re made with hydrogenated oil.

Planning ahead also helps maintain blood sugar. Eat a balanced portion of protein and fat before playing. Add some carbohydrates in the form of whole foods—whole grains, vegetables, or fruit—and you’re good to go. This combination stabilizes your blood sugar and energy levels as well. When combined with snacks, the combination is the right way to go.

About the Author:

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book “How To Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros!”. He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicaps quickly. His free weekly newsletter goes out to thousands of golfers worldwide and provides the latest golf tips, strategies, techniques and instruction on how to improve your golf game.

Golf Fitness Tip

Golf Fitness Tip... secrets to getting your lower back stretched out

Today, we have a real easy golf fitness tip for the lower back.

Mike Pedersen, from Perform Better Golf, has a short video, under three minutes, where he explains a system to get the lower back, a common problem area, stretched out. Doing these golf exercises can prevent golfers lower back issues and help us to develop a free flowing golf swing motion.

These exercises are very low stress and impact. Anyone can do them and I`m sure that this golf fitness tip is going to be very helpful to a very large percentage of golfers.

As I am sitting here typing this post, my lower back is getting tight. So, I am going to go watch the video again and get right into the golf stretching exercises.

Hope you enjoy the golf fitness tip video. ... 7 Minutes Golf Stretching DVD

Phil Has A Dream

Golfer at sunrise

Phil Bundy is a golfer with a dream, a very "big dream". Phil dreams of playing on the PGA Tour!

Now, that maybe not that extraordinary for a top notch golfer but, you see, Phil is forty three (43) years old. Phil is married, wife Donna, and has a five year old son named Charlie. He lives outside of Washington D.C.

It seems that three years ago while enjoying a golf experience with his son Charlie, Phil realized that he didn`t want to answer this question from Charlie someday. Why didn`t you pursue your dream to be a PGA Tour golfer? That experience began the journey towards Phil`s dream. It`s a great story!

You can read all about Phil and his family on his blog, There is also a Press Release, explaining Phil`s experiences, and many pictures of Phil and his family.

Here is picture of Phil and his son Charlie...

As you will see on Phil`s blog, this is not a total pipe dream. He is an accomplished golfer. He enjoyed success as a junior golfer, was a member of the NCAA champion Wake Forest (Arnold Palmer`s alma mater) golf team with Billy Andrade and Len Mattiace and, lately, has won a few satellite tour events.

The neat thing about this is that Phil not only challenged himself bit has also put himself on record. That`s a pretty brave thing to do and we all get to follow Phil`s pursuit of his dream.

So, after working on the business side of golf for twenty (20) years, Phil is preparing to step up and follow his dream.

By going to Phil`s blog,, and subscribing, you can follow Phil`s dream, step by step. The ultimate goal is making it to, and qualifying at, the 2009 PGA Tour Qualifying School.

Good luck Phil...Donna and Charlie, we are rooting for you!

Practice Your Chipping

Practice Your Chipping... improve your golf scores the easy way ... and fast.

Here is a quick, under two minutes, video with Bobby Eldridge, head pro at PurePoint Golf, with a method to practice your chipping.

Bobby has just finished playing in a pro-am and his amateur playing partners had skulled their chip shots numerous times. I don`t know if you are plagued with this problem but many amateur golfers have this affliction and it can be quite frustrating.

In the video, Bobby shows us how to take a good chipping set up. He shows us how to get our weight forward in our stance, how to execute the proper take away and what the follow through should look like.

This set up, take away and follow through allows us to hit a crisp chip every time and prevent those dreaded skulls.

I`m sure you will find this method will be very helpful as you practice your chipping.

As usual, Bobby does an excellent job of explaining the problem and the cure.

I hope you enjoy the video and it helps you practice your chipping. As always, I welcome your comments!

Golf Swing Tip--How To Hit A Draw

Golf Swing Tip... Learn To Hit A Draw And Make Your Slice Disappear

Most golfers fight hitting a slice all the time. What we are going to do, with this golf swing tip, is to learn how to hit a draw and, in turn, it will teach you how to correct your slice. This is an added bonus because once you learn how to hit a draw, your slice will disappear.

These are seven (7) simple steps that will put you in position to hit a draw every time. You will be able to draw or even hook the ball anytime you want.

Seven (7) Steps To Hit A Draw

1. Close Your Feet Position

In your normal golf set up, you would want to have your feet positioned parallel to your target line. Well, in setting up to hit a draw, your feet want to be pointed to the right (if you are right handed) with your left foot in front of your right foot.

2. Close Your Shoulders Position

You want to align your shoulders parallel to your closed feet position. This closed shoulder position will promote an inside out swing needed for a draw.

3. Aim To The Right Of Your Intended Target

Your golf ball is going to move left (if you are right handed) so you must aim right of the intended target to get the desired results.

4. Close The Club Face

When you are making contact with the golf ball you want to impart a hook spin on the golf ball and this is helped along by having a closed club face. You will have to use the practice range to determine how much you want to have your club face closed. Obviously, the more you close the club face the more the golf ball will hook or draw.

5. Make Sure You Have A Strong Grip

A strong golf grip is when the Vs on your right and left hand are pointing toward your right shoulder. In general, you want your hands to be positioned to be able roll your right forearm over your left when completing your golf swing. In short, you want to be closing the club face through impact.

6. Swing Along The Plane Of Your Closed Set Up

OK, your feet and shoulders are pointing right. So, we want to complete our golf swing along that same plane. This set up position promotes an inside out golf swing which in turn promotes the draw.

7. Let The Club head Release

Everything is all set up for you, you are positioned to the right, you have a strong grip, you have the right swing plane. Now, what you need to remember to do is release the club head. Be sure to finish the golf swing, let it fly!

You need to take these seven (7) steps to the practice range and see how the golf ball reacts to this different golf set up and swing path. With practice, you will be able to learn to be able to draw or hook the golf ball a little or a lot and be able to use it during your golf round as situations arise. It will help you to be a more well rounded and better golfer.

Golf Club Bounce

Golf Club Bounce... Learn To Take Advantage Of Bounce.

Every golf club in your bag has bounce, some more than others.

Here is an explanation of golf club bounce as defined by

Bounce: "("bounce sole, bounce angle") the angle of the club's sole in relation to level/horizontal, or the amount that the leading edge of the club is higher than the part of the club's sole that is lower most (usually used in reference to irons, wedges in particular, and measured in degrees) Example: Many sand wedges have a large flange and significant bounce."

Confused, let`s just say that the bottom of the sand wedge has added material which makes the club more rounded. This rounded material adds weight to the club and prevents the club from digging into the turf or sand.

For reference sake, most sand wedges have around 10 degrees of bounce and a D5 swing weight and your pitching wedge has 7 degrees of golf club bounce and a D1 swing weight.

Golf Club Bounce

1. Help--Prevents The Sand Wedge From Digging Into The Sand

The sand wedge, with the extra bounce, was developed to have a golf club that did not dig into the sand. Obviously, in the sand, you do not want to use a club that digs and gets stuck in the sand. The sand wedge will bounce through the sand and splash the golf ball up onto the green. By the way, you are adding more bounce to the club the more you open the sand wedge club face. So here, the bounce is your friend
2. Help--Adds Weight To The Bottom Of The Club

Remember, by making the bottom of the golf club rounded and adding material, we have increased the swing weight of the sand wedge from the normal D1 swing weight to a swing weight of D5. By the way, as you probably have guessed, D5 is heavier than D1. So what this means is that you have a golf club that is heavier that is ideal for hitting out of heavy rough and, of course, sand. Especially, when chipping from heavy rough around the green, the sand wedge is very useful. The bottom line is, use the extra weight to your advantage.

3. Hurt--Golf Club Bounce Will Promote Skulls On A Firm Surface

Now, here is what you need to be aware of. You know that nice bounce that helped you on those bunker and heavy rough shots. Well, it can work against you in very firm sand and shots off of other firm lies. That bounce at the bottom of the sand wedge will not let the golf club dig on firm lies. Even worse, it will promote skulls that can be your worst nightmare. So, be aware of your lie conditions and stay away from the sand wedge on any lie that is not bounce friendly!

There it is, golf club bounce. Is it your friend or enemy? Be aware, that there is a reason why your sand wedge works so well out of the bunker and learn when the bounce is going to work against you.

Solid Iron Shots

Solid Iron Shots... Four Tips To Hit Quality Iron Shots

The topic for my post today is golf iron shots. You have hit a good drive and now it`s time to hit a quality iron shot. There are many factors that come into play but, for today, we are going to review four (4) tips that will help us to hit quality iron shot and, in turn, lower our golf scores.

These iron shot tips will help you to go through the thought process that will produce quality golf shots. You will be amazed how quickly your golf scores will come down.

Just using some common sense can dramatically effect how we play and our golf scores, plus, did I mention, your enjoyment of the game!

Four Golf Iron Shot Tips

1. Stay within yourself.

Don`t try to hit your seven (7) iron one hundred and seventy (170) yards when your best seven iron shot only goes one hundred and fifty (150) yards. Hit the iron that will get to the target with a comfortable swing, no over swinging! Also, when you are determining the yardage for your iron shot, be sure to take into account the position of the pin on the green. By this I mean, even though you are standing at the one fifty (150) marker, you might be one hundred and sixty five (165) yards to the pin if the pin is at the back of a large green, or one hundred and thirty five (135) yards if the pin is in the front.

You don`t want to back off of your golf swing but you also don`t want to be grunting!

2. Know how far you hit each iron.

I know you have seen this and it really slows down play. What I am talking about is watching someone pacing of their yardage to the pin and you know, full well, that they have no clue how far they hit each iron shot. So, my point is, that we need to spend some time at the driving/practice range, to find out how far we hit each iron shot.

Now, we probably are not going to know how far each iron shot goes, to the yard, like the tour pros do but we can find out within a five (5) yard range.

There is nothing more frustrating than hitting a good drive and following that up with a well hit iron shot and the golf ball ends up ten yards short or long. If we expect to hit the correct iron shot, we need to know how far we hit each iron.

3. Play the shot that your lie will allow.

We need to survey our lie and determine how the lie is going to effect our iron shot. By this I mean, if we a playing summer rules, no preferred lies, the lie will dictate what kind of shot we have to play. If the lie is less than perfect, we need to adjust where we play the golf ball in our stance. With a poor lie, we need to move the ball back in our stance so that we will be able to make solid contact. You also need to adjust for downhill, uphill and sidehill lies.

In general, we need to adjust our stance to follow the contour of the fairway for uneven lies, keeping in mind that uphill lies will add loft to your iron shots (hit more club) and downhill will take loft off of our iron shots (hit less club).

4. Play the percentages.

Here`s a question. If the best players in the world aim away from some pins then should not we do the same? If the pin is on the side of the green near a bunker, water hazard or out of bounds, it may make sense not to try to hit directly at the pin but hit your iron shot to the safer part of the green. We have to measure, the percentages, our chances of pulling off a shot. The best in the world do it! So, next time you are getting ready to hit your iron shot, stop to think of what is your best percentage play. This alone will shave numerous strokes of your golf score.

Also, remember there is a right and wrong side of the green to miss on. You would prefer to miss the green on the side away from where the pin is placed on the green. This gives you the best chance to get up and down for your par, if you miss the green.

Forgiving Sand Wedge

Forgiving Sand Wedge .... Play Bunker Shots Like The Pros

The sand wedge shot was popularized in the thirties by Gene Sarazen and, now, the sand wedge shot has become routine for the tour pro. The tour pro has become very proficient at the sand wedge shot. To the point where they not just trying to get the sand wedge shot close, they are trying to make the shot.

Now, a lot of their effectiveness is due to the practice time they spend in the sand but much of their success is due to their understanding of the variables that go into hitting a good sand wedge shot.

We are going to take a look at 5 of these variables. Hopefully, this will help us hit better sand wedge shots, just like the pros.

1. What is the texture of the sand?

First off, you are not allowed to test the texture of the sand with your golf club or hand but you can feel the texture with your feet. Again, not digging around with your feet but just your normal walk into the bunker. The texture is important because this will tell you what club to use and how you should swing at it. The quick answer is that the firmer the sand the easier the golf ball will come out. But, we must be aware of the bounce in the sand wedge (that`s a whole article).

The bounce in the sand wedge won`t allow the club to dig. That`s why you blade sand wedge shots out of firm bunkers and on hard pan. So that, if you have a real firm bunker, you should not use a sand wedge but use a pitching wedge (less bounce). Bottom line, test the sand and choose the best club based on the texture.

2. How long is the sand wedge shot?

The length of the sand wedge shot will determine how much you need to open the club face and how hard you must swing. Obviously, the longer the bunker shot the harder you must swing but, as much as possible, you should keep your swing effort the same for all bunker shot lengths and just change how much you open the club face. You can practice this, how much you open the club face, in the practice bunker.

Be aware, that you are adding more bounce to the sand wedge as you open the club face further. Consider using a pitching wedge or nine iron for real long bunker shots.

3. What is the direction of the wind?

Here`s a great tip. Don`t practice sand wedge shots into the wind! The only factor here is that you need to take into account the wind factor. Obviously, adjusting your bunker shot to the wind conditions.

4. How far is the golf ball going to roll after landing?

This one is pretty simple. Is the bunker shot uphill or downhill? Is it into the wind or down wind? Are you hitting the sand wedge shot off of a downhill, uphill or flat lie? All of these factors will determine how far the golf ball will roll out. The golf ball will roll less off of the uphill lie and, obviously, more off of the downhill lie.

5. What kind of lie do I have?

Is it a clean lie, semi buried or fully buried lie. Out of a clean lie, you will be able to stop the ball on the green pretty well. Out of the buried lie, the ball will roll out. Also, out of the buried lie, you will need to close the club face to take some of the bounce off of your sand wedge. You will need the sand wedge to dig a little to get the golf ball out of a buried lie.
Hopefully, these golf tips will help you improve your sand wedge shots, just like the tour pro, and remember a little practice never hurts.
PurePoint Golf The Bunker DVD

Perfect Golf Posture

Perfect Golf Posture... staying in proper posture through the golf swing.

Today, we have some golf posture tips from Mike Pedersen, PerformBetter Golf.

If you have been following, you know that Mike is a golf fitness expert and has developed a series of dvds on the golf fitness subject.

In this short video, just over two minutes, Mike provides golf posture help in the area of staying in a good golf posture position from the set up to the back swing and through the complete swing. Mike explains the problem that most of us have with staying in the proper position throughout the complete.

As Mike explains, in his video, most of us do not have strong enough hamstrings to get into the right position and stay there. He offers help with some simple exercises to strengthen our hamstrings. Practicing these exercise a few times per week (good winter exercise) will help our golf posture.

These are some simple exercises that can improve our golf swings immediately. ...

7 Minute Golf Stretching DVD

Golf Putting Tips

Golf Putting Tips... save strokes immediately with improved putting.

This post will review five golf putting tips and how you can improve your golf scores immediately.

We all have heard the saying "drive for show and putt for dough". The easiest way to improve your golf game and your scores is to improve your putting. You don`t have to be a great athlete and it doesn`t matter what your golf swing looks like. If you spend a little time on the putting green practicing the proper techniques, you will see immediate results.

With that in mind, let`s take a look at these five golf putting tips!


Golf Putting Tips - Five Factors To Consider:

1. Where should me feet shoulders be?

Your feet and shoulders should be square to the putting line. There are exceptions to this rule but they are fighting against themselves. If you notice the best putters, i.e. Brad Faxon, you will see that their feet and shoulders are square to the putting line. Having everything square allows the hands and arms to flow freely.

2. Should I keep my head still?

Kind of a silly question. Of course, you should keep your head still, plus your eyes, also. Many people forget the eyes. It is very important to keep the eyes still as well as the head. Notice the really good putters, there head and eyes don`t move until the putt is well on its way. If you look up prematurely, you will have a tendency to push your putts.

3. Where do I aim?

I like the idea of picking a spot/blemish on the green a few feet from the golf hole. This gives you something to focus on. You can visualize the golf ball rolling over the spot right into the golf hole. Use the practice green to get used to this method. I think you will find it will help tremendously. It takes your focus off the hole and onto putting on a good stroke to your spot.

4. How do I determine the line?

There are so many factors that determine your line. Some of them are speed of green, slope (slant of green), uphill or downhill, type of grass, grain and probably many more that I can`t think of right now. One thing you should definitely do is watch closely the chips and putts of your playing partners. That will tell you a great deal about the tendencies of the green, speed, break etc.,and will help you in determining your putting line. Also, without causing undo play delay, you should survey your putt from behind the ball, from behind the hole and on the side of your line. This will give you the best idea of your putts tendencies.

5. What effect does grain have?

Grain is, basically, which direction is the grass growing. There are two factors here, which way is the green draining and which way is the grass growing. Most greens will drain toward the front of the green, a bunker or water and the grass will always grow toward the setting sun. Obviously, putts that are down grain will be faster and opposite, or slow, for into the grain. Also, cross grain putts will break more toward the direction of the grain. You can over analyze this factor sometimes but just be aware that it exists.


I hope that you can take one, or more, of these golf putting tips and improve your putting quickly. I little time spent on the practice putting green can really pay off well.

Driving The Golf Ball

Driving The Golf Ball... Five Tips To Improve 

There are many factors that go into hitting a good tee shot with the driver. This post, driving the golf ball, will look at five different factors.

As we step to the tee, with our driver or driving club of choice, we need to decide what is the best way to hit our drive in order to maximize our chances of making a par or better. Obviously, if this is our first time on the hole, there will be a lot more new input needed as compared to our home course where we have already processed a lot of this information.

This whole process takes place in a matter of seconds but is very important to our final result, a good or bad drive!

These five driving factors that we are going to review are in no particular order or importance.

Golf Driving Tips ... Five Factors To Consider

1. Which side of the tee to tee up from?

If you are going to hit a fade you want to tee up on the right side of the tee and the left side if you are hitting a draw. By doing this, you give yourself the most room to hit your fade or draw. Remember, the golf ball must be between the tee markers but your feet can be outside the tee markers. Also, you can tee up within two club lengths behind the tee markers.

2. Are there any hazards to be aware of?

We need to know what danger might be in front of us. Is there a bunker in play and how far to it and to carry it? Is there a water hazard to be concerned with? If it`s a dogleg, how far to the turn in the dogleg? Maybe, we don`t need a driver to get to our ultimate driving result. In general, we need to do some thinking and just not step up and whack away with the driver.

3. Am I going to hit a fade (slice) or draw (hook)?

Based upon the hole layout, what is the most favorable shot shape, fade or draw. Much of this decision will depend on the length of the hole and the wind conditions, if any. We always want to use the wind to our favor, using a fade or draw to ride the wind on longer holes or keep the ball in play on shorter holes.

4. Which side of the fairway is most favorable?

Where is the best place to come into the green from. An example would be, there is a bunker or water hazard on the left side of the green. So, if we drive the ball down the right side of the fairway, we will not have to carry the bunker or water to get to the green. In general, we want to cut our risk factor any way we can.

5. What am I going to aim at?

This is one that many people forget. They just step up and hit their tee shot in a general direction. We need to choose a specific aiming point. Usually, it will be an object in the distance, such as a tree or other landmark. Many recommend an intermediate aiming point. Which would be a mark on the ground a few feet in front of you. Whatever you do, you need to have a definite aiming point and be totally committed to it.
I hope these five golf driving tips help you to play from the fairway and play better golf.

Golf Chipping Tips

Golf Chipping Tips... Lower Your Score The Easy Way

I have listed 7 golf chipping tips, in no particular order.

As we know, the fastest way to improve your golf score is to improve your short game.

I will review seven factors to consider when chipping from around the green. The idea is to provide you with an overview to get started with so that you can turn bogeys into pars.

I believe the most important thing with any chip, or any golf shot for that matter, is to hit a crisp shot. You need to get into a position to avoid hitting your chips fat, heavy, skinning, thin, blade, chunk or any other adjective we can find.

Golf Chipping Tips ... 7 Factors To Consider

1. What should my weight distribution be?

In order to insure a crisp hit, your weight should be toward your front foot.

2. Where should your hands be?

Again, your hands should be forward in your golf stance. This will, along with the forward weight, will promote a nice crisp hit and prevent fat or thin hits.

3. What kind of lie do you have?

You need to know what kind of shots are possible from your lie. If you have a tight or bad lie, you will be limited as to the type of shots you can hit.

4. What will your lie let you do?

If you have a tight or bad lie, you are not going to be able to hit any flop type shots. You will have to hit more chip and run type shot.

5: Which club are you going to use?

There are different schools of thought on this but, unless you have tons of time to practice, I think the one club idea works best. What you do is pick a club, i.e. pitching wedge or sand wedge, and use that club for all chips. This way you become real proficient with that one club.

6. How far you are going to carry your chip?

You need to choose a spot on the green to land your chip and let it run out to the pin. The conventional wisdom is the less carry and more run the better.

7. Do you take the pin out?
Again, there are different theories but, I say, unless it definitely is going to help you, take it out.

I hope these golf chipping tips help you turn bogeys into pars!

Happy New Year

Golfer at sunrise

Happy New Year!!!

I wish everybody a great 2009 and look forward to bringing you more golf tips and information in 2009 to help you play a better game of golf!

I will continue to search for new ways to bring you ideas on custom fit golf clubs, golf game improvement and different places to find discount golf products.

I think we have some great choices right now and if you haven`t visited my favorite sites and programs, then I urge you to right away. I know you will find some great golf products and golf buys!

Here are the favorites:

GigaGolf ... Custom fit golf clubs for less

Practice Like A Pro ... Golf swing secrets

PurePoint Golf ... Online golf tips

Perform Better Golf ... Golf training tips

Medicus Golf ... Dual hinge driver

Stack & Tilt Golf ... Golf swing mechanics

3balls Golf ... Used golf clubs online

KnetGolf ...Used golf balls (one hit wonders)

Austad`s Outlet ... Golf outlets


That`s a lot of great golf information and products!

Thanks for visiting my site and again...Happy New Year and great golfing!

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