Secrets Of The Short Game

Secrets Of The Short Game... simple steps to improve your golf score

Here are some quick tips for short pitches from Jack Moorehouse, author of "How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros".

Three Critical Decisions On Short Pitches

Golfers often commit two costly mistakes on short pitches. They square their stances and they open their club faces. Both hurt the shot big time. A square stance leads to a steeper swing and an open club face shanks the ball sideways. But asking yourself three key questions before making the shot and you’re chances of hitting it close rise dramatically. Use this routine whenever you have a short pitch.

Short Pitches

The questions are ...

   1. What kind of shot do I hit?
   2. What’s the best club for the shot?
   3. What kind of swing do I use?

Many golfers choose the wrong club, use the wrong shot, and/or employ the wrong technique on short pitches. Check your lie carefully on short pitches before choosing your club. The lie is good if you can slide the ball under the club. A good lie allows you to use a more lofted club, like a 60-degree wedge, for maximum touch.

Also, open your stance. This pre-rotates your body to the target. That in turn keeps your swing shallow and helps the club slide through the grass.

Now, play the ball off your front heel and open the clubface. Swing down along your stance. And don’t flip the club. There’s no need. You have plenty of loft to get the ball in the air. It comes out high and soft, just like you want.

Don’t commit two common mistakes on short pitches. It just adds strokes to your score. Before hitting, ask yourself the three questions mentioned above. Answering them will help you choose the right club, the right shot, and the right technique.

After that, it’s just a matter of applying the right amount of touch to hit it close, saving a stroke or two on the hole.


Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book  "How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros". He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. He has a free weekly newsletter with the latest golf tips, golf lessons and golf instruction.

A Good Golf Swing

Are you looking for a real good explanation of a good golf swing?

Well, here is a full explanation, in detail, and with visual reinforcement. JC Anderson shows us in his video how all the different parts of the golf swing work.

After watching this short video, it should be very clear to you how all the parts of the golf swing work! (right)

Thanks JC ... I understand now??? Let me know if you have any questions!!!

Here`s the video ... a good golf swing.

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Tazoodle and Golf?

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Best Clone Golf Clubs

Best clone golf clubs... GigaGolf Power Max GX922 Irons.

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GigaGolf Power Max GX922 Irons


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Golf Swing Tips-Correct Knee Bend

Here is a short (under three minutes) lesson ... Golf Swing Tips-Correct Knee Bend

Where Bobby Eldridge, head pro at PurePoint Golf, explains very clearly how your knees should bend through your golf swing.

Bobby explains the importance of keeping your knees flexed right through your complete follow through.

He is very good with these golf swing tips in that he you can see his actions in video while he explains the action you have to take. You will be able to see where you are making your mistakes in your golf swing.

Here`s the video: Golf Swing Tips-Correct Knee Bend

PurePoint Golf ... Full Swing DVD 2.0

Correcting Fat Golf Shot

Correcting Fat Golf Shot... tips for solid impact

Here are golf instructions concerning correcting the fat golf shot when the ball is above your feet.

These golf tips come from Jack Moorehouse, author of "How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros".   

Hitting A Ball Above Your Feet

Three things can happen when you don’t make the right adjustments.

First ... since the ball automatically moves right to left, you’ll pull the shot out of bounds.

Second ... on shots above your feet ... you can shift your upper body forward during the swing and come into the ball at a lower than normal, hitting the ball fat.

Third ... you can lose your balance and pop out of you stance, resulting in a weak slice.

To hit a ball above your feet, adjust your stance so you’re aiming right of the flagstick, which compensates for the tendency to pull the ball left.

Center your weight above your arches, not on the balls of your feet, which helps you swing along the slope and stay in balance throughout the shot.

Also, keep your posture constant so you can maintain the same spine angle you set at address through impact.

Lastly, you can also grip down on the club, to compensate for the shorter distance to the ball.

Make these adjustments next time you have this type of lie and you’ll hit the ball solidly.

I hope these golf instructions help you play better golf!


Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book  "How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros". He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. He has a free weekly newsletter with the latest golf tips, golf lessons and golf instruction.

Phil Mickelson Flop Shot

Tips To Execute A Phil Mickelson Flop Shot...

Here is an article, from Jack Moorehouse, author of the best-selling book "How To Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros!". He explains how to execute to very dangerous flop shop from bare ground.

You can refer to a prior post, Golf Club Bounce, that gives you idea of how bounce can either help or hurt you.

Phil Mickelson Flop Shot ... From Bare Ground

Phil Mickelson hits accurate flop shots from difficult lies—including bare ground. Hitting a flop shot from bare ground is a challenge. It’s also risky. If you mis-hit it, it can cost you strokes big time. That’s why golfers stay away from hitting a flop shot from this type of lie. But when you have to do it, a flop shot from bare ground can help turn three strokes into two.

Below are six keys to hitting a flop shot from bare ground:
  1. Use a lob wedge with minimal bounce
  2. Keep the shaft vertical or leaning away
  3. Swing your arms to the left (right for left-handers)
  4. Swing longer for higher shots
  5. Keep legs quiet throughout the shot
  6. Complete your follow-through
The secret to hitting a flop shot from bare ground is the wedge’s sole. Use a lob wedge with a sole that has minimal bounce—especially in the heel. Bounce is the flange on the club’s sole that extends below the leading edge. To hit a good shot, you must use the bounce effectively.

Also, keep the shaft vertical or slightly leaning away from the target, which means your hands will be even with or slightly behind the ball. Keeping the shaft vertical exposes the club’s bounce and enables its leading edge to slide under the ball. You want the trailing edge to go into the ground.

And keep your legs quiet from start to finish. On the follow-through, swing your arms to the left (right for right-handers). This prevents the club from delofting and bouncing off the ground and into the ball. Remember, the longer your swing the higher the ball goes. But it travels only slightly farther.

This approach to hitting a flop shot works for any lie. Of course, there’s no flop shot approach that’s fail-safe. That’s why you need to be judicious about when you use it. But if you’re going to use it, make sure you commit to the shot before swinging.

It is a very high risk shot to be used when it can save you shots or get you out of a tough situation.

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book "How To Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros!". He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicaps quickly. His free weekly newsletter goes out to thousands of golfers worldwide and provides the latest golf tips, strategies, techniques and instruction on how to improve your golf game.

Impact Position Golf Drill

Impact Position Golf Drill... secrets to make solid impact

Are you hitting fat or thin golf shots?

Here is a quick video lesson (two plus minutes) from Bobby Eldridge, head golf pro at PurePoint Golf.

In this video, Bobby, quickly, shows how to correct the common faults that will cause a fat or thin golf shot. You will be able to use these easy golf tips immediately.

What I really like about Bobby is that he keeps everything real easy to understand (he speaks in terms that you know) and extremely  simple.

Check out the video below, I know it will help with your fat or thin golf shots!

PurePoint Golf Video Lessons - Posture in the Full Swing - Fat and Thin Hits

See PurePoint Golf`s NEW Full Swing DVD 2.0

PurePoint Golf 2.0 : Full Swing Lessons DVD

Creative Bunker Shots

Creative Bunker Shots... How To Hit The Long Bunker Shots

Here is an article by Jack Moorehouse, author of "How To Break 80", where he passes along some great golf tips on how to hit the long bunker shot.

Hitting A Long Bunker Shot

A green side bunker 20 to 30 yards from the pin isn’t where you want to be with an approach shot or a drive. But even the best of us find ourselves there occasionally. The long bunker shot from a distant bunker is one of the hardest shots for weekend golfers to make, if not the hardest.

Below are six tips for hitting a long bunker shot:
  1. Close your stance instead of opening
  2. Widen your stance a couple of inches
  3. Work your feet firmly into the ground
  4. Concentrate on just skimming the sand
  5. Rotate the club face open to closed
The keys to this shot are two adjustments in your stance. Since you want to make a long accelerating swing, you need a firm foundation. Widening your stance helps. So does working your feet into the ground. But don’t work them in so much that you can’t move them. In addition, close your stance. Your feet should be parallel. That lengthens your swing and makes it easier to bring the club into the ball from inside the line of play.

Use your sand wedge for this shot and focus on just skimming the sand as you go through the ball. Also, rotate the club face from open to closed on the downswing, which you can do by turning your right hand over your left through impact. Incorporating these adjustments into your stance helps you hit an accurate bunker shot.

We can’t stop ourselves from landing in a bunker 20 to 30 yards from the green. No one can. But good golfers get out in one. Hitting a long bunker shot will help you do that, keep your scores in check, and trim strokes from your golf handicap.

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book "How To Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros!". He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicaps quickly. His free weekly newsletter goes out to thousands of golfers worldwide and provides the latest golf tips, strategies, techniques and instruction on how to improve your golf game.

Golf Swing Tips - What Powers the Golf Swing?

Here is an excellant explanation of power in the golf swing by Paul Wilson. Paul says: In this video you'll find out whe...