Golf Swing Instructions Videos

Golf Swing Instructions Videos... secrets to maintaining proper posture

Here is another excellent golf swing tip from Bobby Eldridge, head pro at PurePoint Golf.

In this three minute video, Bobby explains the correct knee bend in your golf swing. It is a little difficult to see the knee bend because he is wearing long pants but he does a good job of explaining the concept.

Bobby shows us how to get into the proper athletic golf swing position and the importance of maintaining this position right through the complete golf swing.

Bobby also shows the common faults that many of us fall into. Such as, straightening the right leg and/or swaying outside the right leg in the back swing and straightening the left leg in the downswing.

I hope you enjoy it... ... Online Golf Swing Tips

Golf Driving Tip

Golf Driving Tip... how to keep positive driving thoughts.

Here is an excellent driving tip from Jack Moorehouse, "How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros". Jack has a simple way to attack driving tight holes. He suggests going through a mental exercise that keeps you focused on the positive!

To many times, when we approach a tight driving hole we get focused on all of the bad things that can happen. Jack gives a positive plan with his golf driving tip.

Be sure to sign up for Jack`s free weekly newsletter.

Tackling A Tight Driving Hole

Tight driving holes are a challenge. The idea of hitting to a fairway closely lined with trees creates panic in some golfers, resulting in a wayward shot that leaves them buried in a clump of trees or in deep trouble. Hit enough of these shots and you’ll boost your golf handicap to new heights.

If tight driving holes intimidate you, don’t sweat it. Perfecting a simple mental golf driving tip gets you in the middle of the fairway. Below are the keys to this trick:

* Visualize a goalpost
* Establish the limits
* Play your shot shape
* Compensate for the curve
* Adjust your swing

Visualize a goalpost the next time you’re on a tight driving hole, the kind of goalpost they use in American football with two uprights. If you hit a fade and you’re right handed, position the goalpost on the left. If you hit a draw and you’re right-handed, position the goalpost on the right. (Left-handers do the opposite.)

The goalpost’s uprights are the drive’s limits. Establish them off the tee. If you hit a fade, your limit on the left is the row of trees on the left. Your limit on the right is the middle of the fairway. If you hit a draw, shift the goalpost to the right.

Now visualize yourself hitting the ball between the uprights. Play the shape of your shot and make adjustments as needed. If you slice the ball, establish more generous limits. If there’s a crosswind, adjust the uprights or limits. Also, keep in mind that the ball will kick and roll the way it’s curving.

Don’t let tight driving holes freak you out. Master this simple mental golf driving tip and you’ll hit the middle of the fairway every time, leaving you in great shape.


Excellent tip...I hope this golf driving tip helps. It certainly will give you a different focus, with the accent on the positive.

How can you miss the fairway with this great golf driving tip?


Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book "How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros". He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. He has a free weekly newsletter with the latest golf tips, golf lessons and golf instruction.


How To Break 80

Golf Backswing Tips

Golf Backswing Tips... training tips to improve your backswing.

What are some exercises you can do to improve your golf backswing?

We have an under three minute video with Mike Pedersen,, that has some exercises that will help strengthen our golf backswing.

The obvious advantages of these exercises is to strengthen the muscles necessary to complete and be able to repeat the proper back swing.

Here`s the description of the video:

"Mike Pedersen, Golf Fitness Exercise Trainer, shows simple effective golf stretch to improve golf backswing range of motion. Golf flexibility and stretching that is specific to your backswing will give you the quickest results. Golf training like this done "off the course" will add yards to all your clubs and eliminate aches and pains from the rigors of a round of golf".

In the video, Mike shows us some simple exercises that can be done indoors (important here in the northeast) or out and will help to build the appropriate golf muscles plus get the stretching in to promote our range of motion. The exercises are done with a dumbbell. We can use whatever weight we are most comfortable with.

Mike does a real good job of explaining the exercise process and how to complete the reps.

These exercises should really improve our strength and flexibility in making a good back swing.

Enjoy the video...

Golf Chipping Tips

Golf Chipping Tips... learn secrets to improve your chipping
Today, we have some golf chipping tips from Jack Moorehouse, author of "How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros". Jack has helped thousands around the world with their golf games. Be sure to sign up his free weekly newsletter with the latest golf tips, golf lessons and golf instruction.

Following Jack`s advice, you will make those fat, stubbed or bladed chips a thing of the past.

The most aggravating thing in golf is to hit a good drive and a fairly good second shot but come a few feet short,long or wide and then make bogey. When it should have been a par! Let`s see if we can increase your percentage of times you make a par instead of another bogey!

The most important thing in chipping is to hit crisp chips every time. This method will help you to hit crisp chips every time!

Dead Hands Chipping Style

The secret to improving quickly is mastering the short game. Chipping is a vital component of the short game. So if you’re not blowing people away with your chipping, try using the “dead-hands” approach. The swing is simpler and easier to repeat. It encourages consistency. And the ball behaves the same on almost every shot - although it doesn’t stop as quickly as with the traditional style of chipping.

Here are 5 tips on using the dead-hands approach:

* Set your weight on front foot
* Lean the shaft forward a bit
* Use shoulders and forearms
* Drag the club through impact
* Keep hands and wrist quiet

The key with the dead-hands style is keeping your wrists quiet. With the traditional style, proficient chippers often hinge their wrists abruptly on the backswing to generate clubhead speed and backspin. But if you don’t practice or play a lot, it’s hard to develop consistency with this approach. Enter the dead-hands style.

First, take your normal address position, then set your weight forward. Lean the shaft forward slightly, so that your hands are just ahead of the ball. Now, using just your shoulders and forearms, “drag” the club through impact. All your hands do is hold onto the grip through contact and beyond. And don’t break your wrists.

The dead-hands style eliminates the sudden flick that weekend golfers often make when using the traditional approach to chipping. With this style, both the wrists and hands stay quiet.

You don’t have to wait until you`re on the practice green to try this approach. You can practice it in your backyard. And you can practice it during the winter. Chipping doesn’t involve a big swing and if you get proficient chipping over frozen turf, you’ll be dynamite when the whether warms up. Improving your short game is the fastest way of knocking strokes off your golf handicap, bar none.

Practice Jack`s simple golf chipping tips and they will surely lower your golf scores!

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book "How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros". He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. He has a free weekly newsletter with the latest golf tips, golf lessons and golf instruction.

Dual Hinge Driver

Today, we have part two (of seven) of the Medicus dual hinge driver break point video series, number two is the toe up position.

To bring you up to date, the Medicus dual hinge driver is a golf swing training club that obviously has dual hinges. These hinges allow the training club to break down when you don`t follow the correct golf swing path. You can take this golf training aid to the practice range and it will give you immediate feedback if you are not swinging properly. You can hit balls all day long and you will never know what mistakes you are making. With this golf training aid you will know immediately! It may be the best golf swing training aid on the market today.

The Medicus swing trainer that can be used indoors or out, at home, on the range, or on the course. It improves all aspects of your swing, from the takeaway to the downswing to the follow through.

There are seven break points in the golf swing that the Medicus dual hinge driver will check for and respond with a hinge break if you make a mistake.

We started with number one, the take away, and are now are up to number two, the toe position.

Here are some common faults that appear in break point #2:

A. Weight transferred to the left instead of the right (reverse pivot).
B. Over-rotation of hands, causing the clubface to travel too far inside.
C. Continuation of B above.
D. Right elbow pushed away from the right hip and the club lifted outside the target line.

Any of these swing faults sound familiar?

In the video below, Beau Rials, Mike Bennett (Medicus Advisor, PGA Tour Instructor), Bob Koch (Inventor of Medicus Dual Hinge Driver) do a real good job of explaining break point #2, make or break points to the golf swing.

There are so many ways that you can use your Medicus dual hinge driver to improve your golf game. Take a look at the video, break point #2 and I look forward to #3.

Dual Hinge Driver

Golf Swing Secrets

Golf Swing Secrets... learn what the tour pros are thinking
How would you like to know the golf swing secrets of the pros? Haven`t you always wondered what the tour pro`s thought process is of the best golfers in the world. What are they doing different from me?

Maybe the difference between you being a good golfer and a great golfer is what`s going on between your ears. Dr.Bob Rotella, a highly regarded sports psychologist, has been working with golf tour pros for over 20 years. He has worked with Padraig Harrington, Ernie Els, David Toms, Nick Price and many more.

Dr. Rotella is one of the top sports psychologist in the world and now, through a program called Practice Like A Pro, you can learn the golf swing secrets of the best players in the world who have worked with Dr. Rotella. You can learn to use the mental part of the game to your advantage.

Through the series of DVDs at Practice Like A Pro you will become an insider into the golf swing secrets of the pros.

Check it out...

Golf Grip Pressure

Golf Grip Pressure... learn how to adjust for the best grip pressure.

We have a quick, under two minutes video golf tip, on how to adjust your golf grip pressure and why, and how, this effects your golf shots.

The video golf tip is brought to us by Bobby Eldridge, the head pro at PurePoint Golf (#1 online golf swing tips resource)

If you are like me, there are days when your golf swing is flowing. You are getting real good distance on your drives, and then, there are days where the golf ball seems to be going nowhere! What is causing this? Well, the answer to question...why is this happening?... probably lies in your golf grip pressure.

In this video, Bobby demonstrates how your golf grip pressure will effect whether your are hitting a slice or a draw and how to get maximize your distance.

Bobby explains how a tight grip will not let you rotate the club face through the impact area and, in turn, cause a slice or fade and loss of power. The reverse is true, if we are holding the club to lightly. Very few of us have the problem of holding the club to lightly. I would say that most of us tend to want grip too tightly.

Bobby does a good job of demonstrating the effects of the different golf grip pressures. Giving you the keys to what to look for in your swing and what you can do to correct your golf grip pressure!

In my mind, these short short golf video tips are so good. We are all busy. So, in a quick video, we can learn an important piece of an overall golf swing and be on are way in under two minutes (unless I keep rambling).

Enjoy the video tip...

PurePoint .... #1 Online Golf Swing Tips Resource

Improve Your Golf Swing

Improve Your Golf Swing... steps to get into proper golf stance

Proper Golf Stance 

Proper golf stance is critical to hitting the ball solid. The more your back is curved at address, the more likely you’ll lift up to hit the ball. Lifting up prevents you from hitting the ball with authority. It also robs you of power. Keeping your back straight, on the other hand, promotes consistent contact.

5 Steps To Attaining Proper Golf Stance

1. Stand tall with feet spread apart
2. Hold the club in front of you
3. Bend forward at the hips
4. Flex your knees
5. Stick out your butt

Standing up straight helps maintain balance, a key factor in a good swing. In fact, it’s better to stand too tall than to slouch. Start by standing up straight with the inside of your feet shoulder width apart. Balance your weight on the balls of your feet. And turn your toes out slightly.

Next, hold the club out in front of you. Bend forward from the hips until the club touches the ground. Your back should remain straight. Flex your knees a bit and stick your butt out slightly. Sticking your butt out helps balance you when you bend forward. Try keeping your back straight throughout your swing.

Your quadriceps, the muscles on the front and outside portion of your thighs, supports your swing. To strengthen them, put your back against the wall and slowly lower yourself into a sitting position. Stay there for a few seconds or until your thighs begin to burn. Then push up slowly until your standing. Do this exercise a few times a day and you’ll build those muscles up.

Assuming the proper golf stance is critical to achieving a good swing. Slouching or slumping prevents your making solid contact and robs you of power. Follow the five-step process discussed above you to attain proper golf stance to improve your golf swing every time.

About The Author

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book “How To Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros!”. He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicaps quickly. His free weekly newsletter goes out to thousands of golfers worldwide and provides the latest golf tips, strategies, techniques and instruction on how to improve your golf game.

Golf Backswing Tips

Golf Backswing Tips... simple exercise to help you complete your backswing

We have some real easy and effective golf exercises.

A problem that many golfers have is the inability to complete their backswing. Their ability, or lack of, to stretch won`t let them turn or reach far enough back to get into a strong and powerful golf position.

Mike Pedersen, from PerformBetter Golf, has a video, of a little over 2 minutes, where he shows us how we can do some exercises for golf that will help us to complete our backswing. These exercises will allow us to get into a power position.

Exercises for your backswing can dramatically improve power and driving distance. Doing golf-specific fitness training like this can literally transform your golf swing.

Mike does an excellent job of demonstrating how the exercises should be performed (he`s in way to good of shape) and explains the benefits of the exercises as he goes along.

This is just another piece in building a complete golf swing. Mike has best selling golf stretching DVD where he shows specific golf exercises.

PerformBetter Golf ...

Stretching For Long Golf Drives DVD

7 Minute Golf Stretching DVD

Golf Swing Basics

Golf Swing Basics... hottest new golf swing theory

The hottest trend in new golf swings is the Stack and Tilt Golf Swing. It was was developed by Andy Plumber and Mike Bennett, experienced golf swing teachers. They have put together a golf swing dvd series that explains in detail their Stack and Tilt theory.

Developed after 20 years of research by swing teachers Andy Plummer and Mike Bennett, Stack And Tilt is a revolutionary golf swing that keeps your weight stacked over the ball for pure contact shot after shot. They have had real success with touring pros like Mike Weir, Aaron Baddeley
and over 20 other touring pros.

Features and Benefits of the Stack And Tilt Golf Swing

* INCLUDES Mike and Andy's Short Game DVD as a FREE BONUS
* Improves Swing Plane, Grip, Posture, Alignment, Ball position, Tempo
* Comprehensive and organized - making it easy to follow
* Gives step-by-step direction
* Shows the fundamentals of the Stack & Tilt swing
* Includes in-depth analysis, including...
  1. Setup
  2. Backswing
  3. Downswing
  4. Follow-thru

This is the newest golf swing theory in golf today. Andy and Mike are having great success with their golf swing dvd series.

Golf Mental Game

Golf Mental Game... how would you like to think like the pros?

One of the greatest attributes that the greats, like Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods, have is their ability to conquer the golf mental game.

Tripp Isenhour, Tour Pro, and Dr. Bob Rotella have collaborated in putting together a program, called Practice Like A Pro   to help you to play better golf and, ultimately, conquer the golf mental game just like the pros.

Dr. Bob Rotella is an internationally celebrated for his work in the area of applied sports psychology. Dr. Bob Rotella is consistently recognized as the Top Sports Psychologist in the world. Dr. Rotella’s golfers on the PGA Tour have won at least 25 of the 40 tournaments played for each of the last 15 years (think about that fact for a second,it`s pretty amazing). Rotella’s book, “Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect” is the best selling sports psychology book of all time and one of the three best selling golf books in history.

As a teacher, he has been selected as one of the top 10 golf teachers of the 20th Century and directed the leading graduate program in the country for 20 years, at the University of Virginia.

I won`t name all of the golf pros that he has worked but a few are Davis Love, Padraig Harrington, Ernie Els, Nick Price and Paul Azinger. Needless to say, he is extremely well regarded among touring pros.

Practice Like A Pro was put together so that you can unlock the secrets and mental exercises of the tour pros and get insights from some of the biggest names in golf like Padraig Harrington, Tom Kite, Brad Faxon,Stewart Cink, David Toms, Dana Quigley and others.

 I`m sure you will be impressed as I was. There`s quite a bit more on the site that you can review and I`m sure find very interesting.

Wouldn`t you like to think like the pros?

Best Golf Training Aids

Best Golf Training Aids... groove your swing the right way

The Medicus swing training club has long been considered one of the best golf training aids.

What makes it one of the best golf training aids is that it gives you instant feedback if you have done something wrong in your golf swing. If you can swing the Medicus without it breaking down you know that you are grooving the correct golf swing.

The Medicus Driver is the most popular of the Medicus clubs. The Medicus Driver improves all aspects of your swing from the takeaway to downswing.

There are seven break points with the Medicus in your golf swing. The first break point is the "take away".

Below, we have the developers of the Medicus discussing the first break point, the take away.

The video is under two minutes long and does a very nice job of explaining the proper take away and some of things that can go wrong. If you have not seen how the dual hinge system works, I think you will be impressed by how it can help you immediately. And, by the way, you can take the Medicus to the range and hit balls with it.

All of these features combined make the Medicus one of the best golf training aids.

Enjoy the video!

Proper Golf Stance

Proper Golf Stance... learn to set up correctly for good golf shots

I`m sure that you will agree that, in order to hit the golf ball at your target, you must be correctly aligned or in the proper golf stance.

This resource has made easier for you to get into the proper golf stance every time! They have devised a little teaching aid called "Set Right"  that will help you to get into the proper golf stance.

You have probably seen, or used the system yourself, golfers using two crossing clubs to check their alignment. This method is awkward and you never really know if you have the clubs set up properly. With "Set Right" you can be sure that you have the proper golf stance.

SetRight Training Aid

"Set Right" is small enough to fit in your pocket or golf bag. It is something you can use every time you go to the driving range. After using it for a while, you will automatically get into the proper golf stance by developing the correct golf set up habits. "Set Right" is the first training aid guaranteed to get your foot and ball placement right so your alignment is correct and the ball finally goes where you want it to go.

This is a very handy golf tool and the best part is that it costs under $20.00 and comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.

Check it out ... "Set Right"

Golf Tips For Beginners

Golf Tips For Beginners... seven golf tips that will help immediately

Ask players who have a low golf handicap and they’ll all tell you that learning to play golf, well, is difficult.

In fact, it’s one of the most difficult sports to learn. While taking golf lessons and reading golf tips help, nothing works better than practice.

Beginners must practice as much as they can, if they’re serious about learning the game.

Seven Golf Tips For Beginners

1. Use A Mirror For Mechanics

Beginners must master their mechanics to cut strokes from their golf handicaps. Using a mirror to check the basics helps. Are you setting up correctly? Are you taking the club back low and slow? Working in front of a mirror is especially effective for ingraining key moves, like keeping the clubface on target longer. The mirror lets you see yourself executing the move as you do it. That’s great feedback.

2. Use Targets in Practice

Beginners must practice with a purpose, if they want to speed the process. While we all enjoy aimlessly hitting balls on the range, beginners who make practice session more realistic improve faster. Put yourself in practical situations when at the range and aim for specific targets when hitting. You’ll engage not only your body but your mind as well. In short, don’t just hit balls. Aim for a target. It’s the best way to practice.

3. Grip Down For Added Control

All golfers should grip down on their clubs about an inch. It provides better control. Beginners should grip down even further—especially when hitting half shots or three-quarter shots. Learn to hit these shots by adjusting the backswing not the downswing, as many people do. Gripping down helps golfers control ball trajectory and distance as well—two keys to hitting good approach shots.

4. Employ Visualization When Practicing

Visualization triggers good shots. The more clearly you see a shot in your mind’s eye, the better your chances of making it. Visualization also helps ingrain good technique or eliminates swing faults. For example, beginners often want to come out of their shots too quickly. However, you need to get down and stay down through out the shot. One way to ingrain this is to imagine a scoop of ice cream on the ground. Then picture yourself hitting down and through the cone, creating a descending blow and solid impact.

5. Set Up Square On Putts

Beginners should work especially hard on putting. For most new players, it’s a hard skill to acquire. Good putting starts by making sure your putterface is square on putts. If it’s not, you’ll miss every time. Use a small square mirror to learn to square the putterface. Draw a straight line on the surface that’s parallel to the front the mirror’s edge. Then place it on the ground and use the line as an alignment aid. Since you can see yourself in the mirror, it’s is also a good way to monitor head movement and prevent too much during the stroke.

6. Track Breaking Lag Putts

Good lag putting saves strokes. But the hardest putts learn to lag are big breaking putts. Therefore, beginners must learn to lag big breaking putts to improve their putting. They also need to work on putts with subtle breaks. Here’s a simple drill for doing that: Position a row of tees slightly outside the line of a breaking putt and practice rolling the ball along the line of tees and into the cup.

7. Work On Both Games

Beginners often measure progress by their ballstriking capabilities. So they go to the range and hit balls as often as they can. Learning to hit the ball well is essential to improving as a golfer. But you also need to improve your short game. Beginners should work on the short game as hard as they work on the long game. In fact, they should work on it harder. A good short game saves tons of strokes.

If you’re a beginner, use these seven golf tips for beginners tips to make practice more realistic. It takes a lot of patience and practice to learn to play golf well. So take golf lessons and read golf tips. And talk with more experienced players. You can often glean tips from them that will help your game. With time and patience, you can become a great player, one with a golf handicap that’s something to brag about.


Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros.” He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. He has a with the latest golf tips, golf lessons and golf instruction.

free weekly newsletter

Custom Fit Golf Clubs

Custom Fit Golf Clubs... special fitting system to tailor make your clubs

Let`s take a look at custom fit golf clubs using the GigaGolf`s eFit System. This is their method to build custom fit golf clubs for their customers. Each and every club is custom built for that customer. There are no pre-assembled clubs!

The system consists of 5 steps and assures each customer that the golf clubs that they buy are are going to be tailor made (no pun intended) for them. In addition, they come with GigaGolf`s 30 day money back guarantee.

Here are the five steps that go into building each club.

Steps: (Each of these take into account your golf swing and body measurements)

1. Grip Size

2. Shaft Flex

3. Shaft Type (graphite or steel)

4. Shaft Length

5. Club Lie

When you finish with this system, you will have clubs that are specifically built for you. You won`t be pushing or pulling shots because your club has the wrong shaft flex, shaft length or club lie. You will have a fair chance to hit good shots because your clubs are now custom fit to you!

The eFit System is very thorough and easy to use. Plus, as an added benefit, your custom fit golf clubs are only going to cost you about 30-40% of the name brand clubs and you won`t have to give up any quality in the process.

Be sure to read the "customer reviews" for each of the products and that will give you a real good idea of the quality and customer satisfaction at GigaGolf. The customer reviews are so many that there is no question about GigaGolf`s dedication to quality.

GigaGolf, Inc.

Golf Swing Training

Golf Swing Training... proper set up to relieve strain on lower back

A poor golf set up can hinder any chance of a good golf swing and even worse cause lower back pain. Today, we are going to take a look at some quick and easy to follow golf swing training tips.

Below is a short golfing tips video, under two minutes, that can be real helpful in getting you into the proper golf set up so that you are not putting any undo strain on our lower back and improve your chance of a correct golf swing.

The video instructor is Mike Pedersen, from Perform Better Golf. Mike does a real good job of explaining the effects of not getting into the proper golf set up position and the benefits of a proper spine angle.

After watching the video, you will readily see the mistakes that quite a few of us make that cause a poor golf swing, loss of power and undo strain on the lower back. I don`t know about you but, as I get older, I have a tendency for more back issues. 

These videos will certainly help me to maintain good golf posture and keep the lower back strain to minimum.

Enjoy the video...

Perform Better Golf ...

Golf`s All Time Winners

Who are golf`s all time winners?

I was curious about the total career wins on the PGA Tour. So, I looked up the stats using Wikipedia.

I knew that Tiger was closing in on Jack Nicklaus but wasn`t sure where he stood compared to Sam Snead.

Here`s the top ten list from Wikipedia: (name & # of wins)

1. Sam Snead-82
2. Jack Nicklaus-73
3. Tiger Woods-65
4. Ben Hogan-64
5. Arnold Palmer-62
6. Byron Nelson-52
7. Billy Casper-51
8. Walter Hagen-44
9. Cary Middlecoff-40
10. Gene Sarazen-39
10. Tom Watson-39

This list shows how great Tiger is, 65 wins at the age of 33 and 13 playing years. It took Jack 25 years to accumulate his 75 wins. Tiger has 12 years to catch him! If Tiger is healthy, he could catch Jack in 2009 or 2010 for sure.

I`m a big Jack Nicklaus fan, but Tiger is really something special and on his way to being the best ever!

Two names that surprised me on the list are Cary Middlecoff and Tom Watson. Obviously, they were both excellant golfers but I didn`t think I would find them in the top ten of golf`s all time winners.

I`m looking forward to the 2009 season already!

Let me know who surprises you on this list.

Sand Shot Tip

Sand Shot Tip... how to handle a buried lie

Here`s a real helpful golf sand shot tip from Bobby Eldridge, the head pro at PurePoint Golf, #1 golf instruction resource.

At some point, all of us had the problem of a buried lie in the sand!

Well, in the video below, Bobby explains exactly how to hit the buried sand shot and does it in under 3 minutes.

He explains, that what we need to do is understand how the bounce on the sand wedge works and use it to our advantage instead of it working against us. In normal sand shots, you don`t want the sand wedge to dig but in a buried lie the bounce works against us. You want the sand wedge to dig and pop the ball out of the bunker.

Bobby, as usual, does an excellant job of explaining the golf tip very simply and clearly. You will be able to take this sand shot tip straight to the golf course today. If it`s not snowing where you are!

Enjoy the video, again under 3 minutes.

PurePoint Golf ... Bunker DVD

Holiday Golf Club Sale

just got this notice from GigaGolf about a Holiday Golf Club Sale.

If you don`t know, GigaGolf is a manufacturer of custom made golf clubs. Their clubs are all custom built for you and at fantastic prices. Also, they are all built with the highest quality and GigaGolf`s guarantee.

How can you go wrong?

Highest quality golf clubs, custom built for you and prices everyone can afford!

Here are the clubs that are on special:

GX2 Square Draw Driver (regular price before special discount=$99.50)
25% OFF
CODE: 0804
Offer expires 12/22/2008

(available in 9, 10.5 or 12 degree loft)


GX920 Irons 3-PW
(regular price before special discount=$149.59)
35% OFF
CODE: 0805
Offer expires 12/22/2008

(build your own set, 3-pw, 4-sw or any combo you choose)


P2 Fairway Wood
(regular price before special discount=$39.50)
25% OFF
CODE: 0806
Offer expires 12/22/2008

( available lofts 15, 18, 21, 24 degrees)

Great can check them out at GigaGolf...Holiday Golf Club Sale

GigaGolf, Inc.
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Chipping Tips

Chipping Tips... real simple method to improve your chipping and lower your scores.

Today, we are going to visit with Bobby Eldridge, the head pro at PurePoint Golf.

Bobby has a short video, under 4 minutes, where he has some real easy and helpful chipping tips.

The most important thing in golf before hitting any shot is to have a plan for the shot and be totally committed to it. That is true even for chips.

Bobby has some easy chipping tips that you can incorporate into your game very easily. What Bobby suggests is that we use a three club system, 5, 7 and 9, and use the same chipping motion for each club. Varying the club used by the distance to the hole.

Bobby does a good job of explaining this chipping method and you should be able to pick it up with just a little practice.

As you know, the fastest way to lower your golf scores is to save more shots around the green! These chipping tips will help you lower your golf score quickly and make golf a lot more fun.

Watch the video...I think you`ll like it.

PurePoint Golf

Golf Swing Basics

Golf Swing Basics... video reviews how to get set up properly

Bobby Eldridge, head pro at PurePoint Golf, is working with Mike Pederson of Perform Better Golf.

In the video (under 4 minutes), Bobby explains to Mike a simple way to get yourself set up properly and also shows you how to check your alignment each time. What Bobby talks about is a common fault that many of us have. That is to set up with the golf ball to far forward which throws your alignment off.

With these golf swing basics, we can get set up properly and, at least, give ourselves a fair chance of hitting a good golf shot!

Bobby has a nice and simple way of explaining these golf swing basics to Mike and I`m sure it will help you, too.

Enjoy the video...

PurePoint Golf

Are You Still Logging In Manually

I know this has nothing to do with golf!

But I had to share this service called RoboForm. Without it, I would be at a total loss.

Here is a list of what it does:

..Memorizes your passwords and Logs You In automatically.

..Fills long registration and checkout forms with one click.
..Encrypts your passwords to achieve complete security.
..Generates random passwords that hackers cannot guess.
..Backs up your passwords, Copies them between computers.
..Synchronizes passwords between computers using GoodSync.
..Searches for keywords in your passwords, notes and Internet.
..Portable: RoboForm2Go RF runs from USB key, no install needed.
..PDA-friendly: sync your passwords to Pocket PC and Palm.
..Neutral: works with Internet Explorer, AOL/MSN, Firefox.
..IE 7 and Vista: are now supported.

In simple terms, RoboForm remembers all of your passwords and ,if you want you can have one master password. Plus, you store all of your personal data, so that, with one click you can complete any form.

By the way, the service is free for up to ten passwords and if you need more, as I did, you can have unlimited passwords for under $30.00.

This is a great service. I don`t think I could live without it!

RoboForm: Learn more...

Proper Golf Stance Setup

Proper Golf Stance Setup... simple and accurate set up routine
The following online golf tip is from Jon Barrett of Golf Swing Eureka!

In this review, Jon explains the steps for you to get into the proper golf swing set up every time. It will take you step by step and make it very easy for you to get into position to hit solid golf shots on a consistent basis. I have tried Jon`s tip and was very happy with the results. Enjoy the article!

Jon Barrett... Best Golf Swing Setup Routine I’ve Ever Come Across...

OK, here we go. This is something that I was shown by a Pro Golfer. I have never seen this before in any golfing material before or since. It is a setup routine to ensure that you are exactly the right distance from the ball every time with every club.

I have checked this golf swing setup routine with the setup of some of the world’s top Pro golfers and it is bang on. I really benefited from this setup.

So, how does it work I can hear you asking. Well it’s rather simple, which is why I’m surprised I’ve not seen it before.

How do you currently know how far you should be from the ball? This routine is simple and accurate.

Here we go. It is all related to the length of the club you are about to hit the ball with.

The main benefit from this setup is that by setting yourself up right to the ball it will give you plenty of room to work in between you and the ball, rather than getting all cramped up at impact.

Setup Instructions

This setup routine should ONLY be used on the practice range, I don't want you getting disqualified from some big competition! Any significant change should be practiced - you should never make major changes to your golf swing during a round. Work it all out on the practice range, check it works, then implement it. Only implement this setup on the course once you can get the right distance from the ball without laying your club on the ground.

Choose the club you plan to hit the ball with. The following instructions are for a 9 iron through to your long irons:

1. Lay the club down on the ground pointing away from your body, that’s from your body when setup alongside the ball in your normal stance, towards the ball.

2. Now move the club head (which should be closest to the ball, away from your body) so that it is on the other side of the ball. So as you look down to the ground you will see the club shaft running away from you with the club head wrapped around the other side of the ball.

3. Now move yourself to the ball and put one finger width space between the ball and the clubhead as it is laid on the ground.

4. Now move back to the butt end of the shaft.
5. Now take up your stance but this time line up the back of your heels with the butt end of the club. This now sets your feet the correct distance from the ball.
6. All you need to do now is keep you feet on the line you’ve set them and pick your club up and address the ball.
7. WARNING: This setup gives you the correct amount of bend at your knees. To get yourself balanced you will need to push you bum out behind you, remembering to keep your back straight and bend more over the ball.
8. WARNING: The first time you do this you may think you are way too far away from the ball. I have checked this setup and it is absolutely correct and matches the setup of the worlds top pro’s.
9. WARNING: You may find it easier to change your setup in small steps rather than go straight to this setup – if the ball feels way too far away from you then gradually increase the distance over a few rounds.
10. You need to practice the setup as described above until you can do it without laying you club down on the floor. Soon you will be doing this without even thinking about it.

The Other Clubs

The only differences for the other clubs is that for clubs shorter than your 9 iron you add another finger for each club, two finger space for a pitching wedge etc.

For the driver, instead of the end of the butt of the shaft being along the back line of your heels the end of the butt should be around the middle of your foot.

Give this online golf tip a try, you might be nicely surprised at how much easier it is to hit the ball with this extra room to work in.

Official Rules Of Golf

Official Rules Of Golf... learn the golf rules the easy way... one at a time

Andy Brown, from GolfSecretsRevealed, had the idea of making learning the Rules of Golf manageable.

He came up with the idea of sending you 100 rules of golf questions, one every day, two days or once per week (your choice), so that you can learn the Rules Of Golf one at a time and not have to read the whole book. Which, by the way, most of us are not going to do, read the whole book I mean!

Here`s a sample of the type of question and subsequent answer you would receive.


A fellow competitor's drive may have
landed in a water hazard as it cannot be located.

Your competitor asks to drop his ball behind the hazard and incur a one-stroke penalty. Should
you allow this?

More importantly, do the Rules Of Golf allow it?

Answer ( received when you get your next question)

The rules don't allow it and neither should you, especially if money or bragging rights are on the line.

Seriously, Rule 26-1 states that in the absence of knowing or being virtually certain that a ball
entered a hazard, it must be treated as a lost ball.

In this instance, your competitor must make the
long walk back to the tee and suffer a penalty stroke.

So, here`s the sequence. You sign up for the Rules of Golf. Choose the frequency that you would like to receive the questions and, ultimately, learn the Rules of Golf at your pace.

You never have get bored to tears reading the whole book and you to get impress your playing partners with your new found knowledge of the Rules Of Golf.

Golf Swing Faults

Golf Swing Faults... video gives quick solution to a common swing fault.
Here is a real short video, under 2 minutes, that reviews a common golf swing fault and an easy remedy.

This video will help you to correct a flaw that is very common in golf. The video will illustrate it better but the general theme of the flaw is what is commonly called coming up an out of the shot. If that`s confusing, then Bobby will explain it better in the video

After watching the video, I`m sure that you will recognize the swing fault. Almost all of us have been guilty of this fault and it`s almost always caused by some sort of hit anxiety.

Bobby Eldridge, head pro at PurePoint Golf, has a quick and easy solution to combat this common golf swing fault.

Enjoy the video...

PurePoint Golf ... #1 Golf Instruction Resource

Golf Stretching Exercises

Golf Stretching Exercises... how to get ready for your golf round in under five minutes.

Here is Mike Pedersen, Perform Better Golf, going through some real simple golf stretching exercises.

Warming up before you play or even start to hit practice balls is very important for a couple of reasons. It will prevent your from pulling or straining a muscle and it will allow to start playing with a full range of motion to complete the full golf swing. Wouldn`t it be nice to start your round with a par or birdie because your were ready to play.

In these drills, Mike shows you how to get your whole body warmed up for golf. These exercises are very simple and can be done in under 5 minutes. The total time of the video is less than 4 minutes.

I don`t know about you but I always knew it was important to do some stretching exercises before I started to play, or hit practice balls, and I always did. However, I never really knew the right way to do it. Well now, thanks to Mike, I do and you can too after watching the video. Mike gives you a plan for stretching that you can easily follow before each round of golf or practice session.

Enjoy the golf stretching exercises video!

Perform Better Golf

Golf Swing Tips - What Powers the Golf Swing?

Here is an excellant explanation of power in the golf swing by Paul Wilson. Paul says: In this video you'll find out whe...