Golf Swing Basics-Learn To Hit A Fade

Golf Swing Basics-Learn To Hit A Fade

Here is a golf tip, that will help you play golf holes that dogleg to the right, with pin positions on the right hand side of the green and with other circumstance where it dictates that you move the golf ball to the right.

You are going to find yourself in many circumstances, during your golf round, where you best chance for success is to hit a fade. By hitting a fade, you will be able to help take trouble (water, bunkers, out of bounds etc) out of play or at least reduce the risk involved.

This golf tip will give you more control. You won`t get as much distance, unless you are riding the wind with your fade, but it allow you more control when control is more important than distance. Also, understanding how to hit a controlled fade might just help you with your slice!

Learn To Hit A Fade

1. Open Your Feet Position

In your normal golf set up, you would want to have your feet positioned parallel to your target line. Well, in setting up to hit a fade, your feet want to be pointed to the left (if you are right handed) with your right foot in front of your left foot.

2. Open Your Shoulders Position

You want to align your shoulders parallel to your open feet position. This open shoulder position will promote an outside in swing needed for a draw.

3. Aim To The Left Of Your Intended Target

Your golf ball is going to move right (if you are right handed) so you must aim left of the intended target to get the desired results.

4. Open The Club Face

 When you are making contact with the golf ball you want to impart a slice spin on the golf ball and this is helped along by having an open club face. You will have to use the practice range to determine how much you want to have your club face open. Obviously, the more you open the clubface the more the golf ball will fade or slice.

5. Make Sure You Have A Weak Grip

A weak golf grip is when the Vs on your right and left hand are pointing toward the center of your body. In general, you want your hands to be positioned to prevent roll your right forearm to roll over your left when completing your golf swing. In short, you want to keep the club face open through impact.

6. Swing Along The Plane Of Your Open Set Up

OK, your feet and shoulders are pointing left. So, we want to complete our golf swing along that same plane. This set up position promotes an outside in golf swing which in turn promotes the fade.

7. Do Not Let The Clubhead Release

Everything is all set up for you, you are positioned to the right, you have a weak grip, you have the right swing plane. Now, what you need to remember to do is not to release the clubhead.

Take these seven (7) steps to the practice range and see how the golf ball reacts to this different golf set up and swing path. With practice, you will be able to learn to be able to fade or slice the golf ball a little or a lot and be able to use it during your golf round as situations arise. It will help you to be a more well rounded and better golfer.

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