Ask players who have a low golf handicap and they’ll all tell you that learning to play golf, well, is difficult.
In fact, it’s one of the most difficult sports to learn. While taking golf lessons and reading golf tips help, nothing works better than practice.
Beginners must practice as much as they can, if they’re serious about learning the game.
Seven Golf Tips For Beginners
1. Use A Mirror For Mechanics
Beginners must master their mechanics to cut strokes from their golf handicaps. Using a mirror to check the basics helps. Are you setting up correctly? Are you taking the club back low and slow? Working in front of a mirror is especially effective for ingraining key moves, like keeping the clubface on target longer. The mirror lets you see yourself executing the move as you do it. That’s great feedback.
2. Use Targets in Practice
Beginners must practice with a purpose, if they want to speed the process. While we all enjoy aimlessly hitting balls on the range, beginners who make practice session more realistic improve faster. Put yourself in practical situations when at the range and aim for specific targets when hitting. You’ll engage not only your body but your mind as well. In short, don’t just hit balls. Aim for a target. It’s the best way to practice.
3. Grip Down For Added Control
All golfers should grip down on their clubs about an inch. It provides better control. Beginners should grip down even further—especially when hitting half shots or three-quarter shots. Learn to hit these shots by adjusting the backswing not the downswing, as many people do. Gripping down helps golfers control ball trajectory and distance as well—two keys to hitting good approach shots.
4. Employ Visualization When Practicing
Visualization triggers good shots. The more clearly you see a shot in your mind’s eye, the better your chances of making it. Visualization also helps ingrain good technique or eliminates swing faults. For example, beginners often want to come out of their shots too quickly. However, you need to get down and stay down through out the shot. One way to ingrain this is to imagine a scoop of ice cream on the ground. Then picture yourself hitting down and through the cone, creating a descending blow and solid impact.
5. Set Up Square On Putts
Beginners should work especially hard on putting. For most new players, it’s a hard skill to acquire. Good putting starts by making sure your putterface is square on putts. If it’s not, you’ll miss every time. Use a small square mirror to learn to square the putterface. Draw a straight line on the surface that’s parallel to the front the mirror’s edge. Then place it on the ground and use the line as an alignment aid. Since you can see yourself in the mirror, it’s is also a good way to monitor head movement and prevent too much during the stroke.
6. Track Breaking Lag Putts
Good lag putting saves strokes. But the hardest putts learn to lag are big breaking putts. Therefore, beginners must learn to lag big breaking putts to improve their putting. They also need to work on putts with subtle breaks. Here’s a simple drill for doing that: Position a row of tees slightly outside the line of a breaking putt and practice rolling the ball along the line of tees and into the cup.
7. Work On Both Games
Beginners often measure progress by their ballstriking capabilities. So they go to the range and hit balls as often as they can. Learning to hit the ball well is essential to improving as a golfer. But you also need to improve your short game. Beginners should work on the short game as hard as they work on the long game. In fact, they should work on it harder. A good short game saves tons of strokes.
If you’re a beginner, use these seven golf tips for beginners tips to make practice more realistic. It takes a lot of patience and practice to learn to play golf well. So take golf lessons and read golf tips. And talk with more experienced players. You can often glean tips from them that will help your game. With time and patience, you can become a great player, one with a golf handicap that’s something to brag about.
Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book “How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros.” He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. He has a with the latest golf tips, golf lessons and golf instruction.
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