Golf Swing Secrets

Golf Swing Secrets... learn to create effortless power

Here is an article, by golf pro Nick Bayley, on effortless power in your golf swing.

Golf Swing Sequencing...

The Hidden Secret For Effortless Power

The sequence in which you make your golf swing has a HUGE effect on the distance you hit the ball. If you get it wrong you'll be robbing yourself of a lot of distance, and if you're like most golfers, you want to hit the golf ball the longest you possibly can. To do this you need to understand golf swing sequencing.

So let's get started by looking at what should be happening in the backswing and in what sequence.

To start the backswing you must do so with your big muscles, namely your back and shoulders. You do NOT want to start your backswing with your hands.

Now as you're starting the backswing by turning your shoulders and back you also need to shift your weight to your right foot. And you should continue to move your weight to your right foot (for a right hander) all throughout the turning of your backswing so that when you reach the top of the backswing position you have about 90% of your weight on your right foot.

So you can sum up the backswing as a shift and turn.

Now at what part of the golf swing does the most power come from?

The correct answer is the transition. And the transition in the golf swing is when you change directions from the backswing to downswing.

Just think, if this wasn't true you'd have golfers setting themselves into a perfect top of the backswing position and then swinging from there. But that doesn't happen and never will because it's the change of directions from moving the club back to bringing it down where the real power in the golf swing comes from. And that's the key place in the golf swing where most amateur golfers lose a heck of a lot of distance. This is through a lack of the correct golf swing sequencing. Let me explain.

Imagine you've reached the top of your backswing position. What should start the downswing?

The correct answers is: The weight shift should!

To start the downswing you need to first move your weight back to your left foot. Then you need to move your left knee towards the target, then the left hip needs to move towards the target, followed by the left shoulder and finally your hands should move.

The sad thing is that most golfers start their downswing with their hands and that's a killer as far as creating distance is concerned. You've got to start the downswing with the weight shift and then the left knee.

So go out and try this now.

Swing slowly back to the top of your backswing and then when you've almost reached the top of your backswing move your weight back to your left foot and move your left knee towards your target. Once you've got the feeling of doing this then speed up the swing.

Now personally, I just like thinking about moving my left knee towards the target to start the downswing. And I suggest you try that golf swing trigger as well.

If you get this sequencing correct from the backswing to downswing you'll gain a lot of distance and the golf swing will be a lot easier for you. Try it, you'll love the results!


Article, effortless power in your golf swing, used with permission from Nick Bayley (Professional golfer) who has discovered just one golf swing fault that could be stopping YOU from ball striking consistency and success.

Now you can take a simple 2 minute golf swing test to see if you have this swing fault or not.

Go here to take... The Golf Swing Test

Golf Take Away

Golf Take Away... learn to not slide in your backswing

Here`s another real good golf swing tip from Bobby Eldridge, head pro at PurePoint Golf.

In this short, 2 minutes, video Bobby reviews a mistake that quite a few of us make. The mistake is sliding back in our backswing. You may also know this as swaying off the ball.

He talks about not sliding in your backswing but rather making your golf backswing like you are turning in a barrel. This sliding habit is an easy one to get into and most times we don`t even know we are doing it.

Bobby talks about actually getting inside a barrel to practice swinging. Obviously, that was at a very young age but you get the idea.

Watch the video, this is a good golf swing tip from Bobby!

Golf Instruction Tips

Reduce Your Golf Training And Lower Your Score

Golfer at sunrise
Andrew Scott has developed a mental golf tip for improving the golf skills in less than 30 minutes and without practicing, reduce your golf training and lower your score.

He tested and tweaked the method over the last 6 months to what it is now.

Mental golf training can be 5-6 times more efficient than practicing on the driving range.

The new AmazingGolfMind subliminal mental audios focus on improving the subconscious mind. By listening 3-4 times a week you'll improve your game much faster than hitting hundreds of balls on the driving range.

Here's the free video, mental golf tip, what explains how subliminal mental golf audios work:

AmazingGolfMind Video

Is this a new concept? It is a new concept for regular golfers. Tiger and the top tour pros use subliminal mental training for a long time. Tiger is said using subliminal messages since he was 13.

You can watch the free video on the mental golf tip here and get a free short game audio directly after watching the video:

AmazingGolfMind Video

Powered by ScribeFire.

Learn To Hit A Draw

Learn To Hit A Draw... simple golf tips to add more distance

Below is four minute video with Bobby Eldridge, head pro at PurePoint Golf, where he is going to help you learn how to hit a draw.

In this video, Bobby will show you how to change your slice to a draw and gain more distance,

He explains what your grip should look like, how your alignment and stance should be and what your golf swing should look like to learn how to hit a draw.

The most important part that I liked was the concentration on completing your swing with right arm rolling over your left arm. This action forces you to keep rotating your club face closed and provides a lot of power through your swing. This rotation will promote a draw and prevent any slicing action.

Bobby does an excellent job of explaining this whole swing action. He does it quick, four minutes, and keeps it simple so everybody can understand. Check it out and learn how to hit a draw.

Enjoy the video and ,as always, let we know what you think!

PurePoint Golf   #1 Golf Instruction Resource

Custom Golf Clubs

In this post, I will try to give you a foundation for the importance and variables that go into building a set of custom golf clubs. For the purpose of this post, we will deal with building your iron set and look at custom fitting your woods in a future post.

I`m sure that you agree that consistently hitting a golf shot, both solid and at your target, is a very difficult thing to do. Careers and businesses have been built just concentrating on helping golfers hit good golf shots. Well, here`s the problem, you have a great, repeating golf swing but you are still not getting the results you want. The problem exists with your clubs. If your clubs don`t fit you and your swing, you are going to hit shots that are pushed, pulled, fat and who know what else you might be doing.

That`s where custom golf clubs come in. It is very important that you are playing with golf clubs that suit you! I am going to review the different variables that come into play when building a custom golf club set.

Here are the components that make up the custom golf club.

5. LIE


Here, we are going to measure from your wrist to top of your middle finger and from the top of your thumb to the top of your middle finger. As a general rule, let`s say that if your first measurement, wrist to top of middle finger, is 6 inches or less you need a small grip, 6 to 8 inches a standard grip and 8 inches plus a midsize grip.

The grip is important because the right grip allows you to swing the golf club freely. A grip that is too small won`t allow you to grip the club securely and a grip that is too large won`t allow you to release the golf club through the hitting area. Also, it is recommended that you use the same grip type through your whole set.


There are two different measurements that are used, one for your irons and, secondly, for your woods. We will address the irons.

Here`s the iron range ( how far you carry your 5 iron ):

180 yards plus = S Flex

170 to 179 yards = Firm Flex

160 to 169 yards = R Flex

130 to 159 yards = A Flex

129 and under = L Flex

The benefits of swing the correct flex are obvious. If you are swinging the correct flex you are going to max out your distance/accuracy quotient and as can imagine the wrong shaft flex can lead to all kinds of problems.


Here we are talking about steel or graphite. I would say this mostly personal preference. The graphite shaft may give you a little more distance with less vibration back into your hands but less accuracy. The steel shaft will be more consistent and, also, there are steel shafts specifically made to lessen the vibration. So, I guess the choice here is all about personal preference. For what it`s worth, you see very few graphite shafted iron sets on the professional tours.


This mainly deals with how tall or short you are. Without getting into the specifics, let`s just say that if you under 5 feet 7 inches you should be looking at shorter clubs and if you are 6 feet 1 inch and over, longer clubs. These adjustments are made in small increments, starting at quarter inches.

5. LIE:

This is the angle that the clubs lays at address. Again, depending on your height your lie angle may need to be adjusted, plus or minus. This adjustment is very important because this lie angle may be what is causing you to push or pull your shots. The lie angle needs to be adjusted depending upon a combination of your height and a measurement of your wrist to the floor.

Those are the components that go into a custom golf club set. As you can see, there are many ways that your clubs can throw your game off and with a few adjustments you can turn those negatives into positives.

The best and easiest fitting system that I have seen is GigaGolf`s eFit System. The system is super easy to use and, as a bonus, GigaGolf has extremely high quality golf clubs at manufacturer direct ( that`s a good thing ) prices. Take a look, I think you will like it. Building and buying custom golf clubs has never been easier!

GigaGolf, Inc.

How to Fix Your Slice

How to Fix Your Slice... learn easy steps to cure you slice

Here is a quick golf tip from Bobby Eldridge on how to fix your slice.

Bobby is the head pro at PurePoint Golf, the #1 golf instruction resource.

In this short video, Bobby shows you how you can check to see if you are leaving your club face open at impact. If you are not getting your club head square, this could be an easy way to fix your slice!

Watch the video to see if you have this fault and quickly learn how to fix your slice.

PurePoint Golf #1 Golf Instruction Resource

Improve Your Golf Swing

Improve Your Golf Swing... stretching exercises to improve range of motion
Below is another video in the Mondays With Morrie series. In this series, Mike Pedersen of Perform Better Golf is working with Morrie to help him improve his golf swing.

In this video, Mike shows Morrie some real simple stretching exercises that you can use before you play or practice. Actually, these exercises can be used anytime to help you to improve your range of motion and improve your golf swing.

Mike, also, gives Morrie a real good tip on releasing his head through the golf swing. Not as pronounced as Annika Sorenstam but the release really helps Morrie. I think this is a common mistake that can be cured very easily and will help improve your golf swing immediately.

As you will see, when you watch the video, Mike does a real good job of keeping everything simple yet effective.

Enjoy the video...let me know what you think!

Perform Better Golf

Effortless Golf Training System

Rules of Golf Explained!

Below is a video with Andy Brown, from Golf Secrets Revealed. He is going to simplify for us the process of learning the rules of golf with his Rules of Golf Explained.

In the video, Andy explains an opportunity for you to better understand the Rules of Golf.

It is a pretty neat way for you get to learn more about the Rules of Golf without having to read the whole book at once! Andy will deliver your information as you wish. You will receive 100 questions either on a daily, every two days, four days or weekly. It is your choice as to how often you receive your questions.

Take a look at the video and the sign up for your daily, weekly or what ever you want Rules of Golf Quiz. Learn the rules of golf the easy way and save strokes by using the rules to your advantage.

I did and I am enjoying it, Rules Of Golf Explained.

The Rules Of Golf Quiz

The Rules Of Golf Quiz

Where Should The Golf Ball Be Positioned

Critical Ball Position Instruction Revealed

When you swing a golf club well you do so without any conscious thoughts. Or in other words you swing the club automatically using your subconscious mind. The better and more consistent your setup the more you'll be able to swing automatically. And to back me up on this read this quote from Tiger Woods:

"Poor ball position is a silent killer. If you don't place the ball precisely in relation to your stance, the ball will be playing you instead of you playing the ball. You'll have to conjure up some type of weird swing movement just to get the club on the ball, and because of that you'll never be consistent."

Tiger Woods

So one huge determining factor as to whether or not you become a consistent ball striker will be where you position the ball in your stance and how consistently you get the ball positioned where it needs to be for each club. If your ball is positioned poorly then you'll need to make a lot of compensations as you swing and this will mean you'll greatly lack consistency.

So here's where you need to position the ball in your stance to become a consistent ball striker.

For your Driver and 3 Wood your ball should be positioned directly off your left foot instep.

Then for your 2-iron through to 6-iron your ball should be positioned a ball width inside your left instep.

Important Note: If you're using high lofted woods or hybrids then here is what I suggest. Anything up to 19 degrees in loft, e.g. a 5 wood should, use the driver ball position. Woods/Hybrids over that, e.g. a 21 degree 7 wood, should use the 2nd ball position that I suggest for 2 - 6 irons.

Finally for your 7-iron through to 9-iron your ball should be positioned two ball widths inside your left instep.

Now after seeing this you may be wondering why I teach three ball positions when it would be so much easier to have just one ball position. Well, here's the reason.

When you swing a driver you need a more sweeping motion than you do with say a 5-iron. And if you had just one ball position for both of these clubs then you would have to adjust your swing consciously to produce the correct swing motion (i.e. a sweeping one for a driver and a more downward blow with a 5-iron) and that's not good.

So work hard on getting the ball positioned correctly and consistently for each club you're using and you'll give yourself a great chance of becoming a consistent ball striker.


Article used with permission from Nick Bayley (Professional golfer) who has discovered just one golf swing fault that could be stopping YOU from ball striking consistency and success.

But now you can take a simple 2 minute golf swing test to see if you have this swing fault or not.

Go here to take....The Golf Swing Test

The Correct Golf Driver Loft

Choosing The Correct Golf Driver Loft

I`ll bet , like most of us, the last time you bought a new golf driver you hit a demo club at the range a few times, it felt good and you bought it.

This is how almost all of us buy new golf clubs. But let`s take a look at the driver. It is probably the most important club in the golf bag. Playing golf from the fairway is a lot easier than the rough and also, hitting a 9 iron to the green is a lot easier than hitting a 6 iron. That`s pretty obvious, so what`s the point?

The point is that most of us are not playing with a driver that has the proper loft to provide us with maximum distance and accuracy. The simple reason for this is that golf club manufacturers are not making drivers with the lofts that are correct for most golfers.


Here`s an idea of the range of lofts that we are talking about to provide optimal driver loft: (source: Golf Engineering)

The numbers below represent (A)Clubhead Speed (how fast you swing the golf driver), (B)Estimated Optimal Driver Loft (your ideal driver loft) and (C)Category (who should be using these lofts)


(1) 130-150.....4-7 long driving champs
(2) 110-125.....8-9 touring pros
(3) 95-105......10-11degrees....strong men & women
(4) 85-90.......12-13 degrees...most men golfers
(5) 75-85.......14-15 degrees...senior men & most women
(6) 65-75.......16+ degrees.....most women golfers


As you can see, most men golfers should be using a 12-13 degree loft with their driver, senior men and women even higher and we know that this is not the case.

Also, what this validates is the fact that the average male golfer is better of driving with his 15 degree three wood. We have known this for years but we really did not know why, now we do. It is all about the optimal loft! There are more factors that control golf driver distance and accuracy, other than loft, but for our purposes today, this is one variable that we can easily control.

Now, we know that we are not going to give up hitting the driver. The grip it and rip it mentality is too deeply ingrained in us to give up our driver. But, at least now we can give up trying to hit an 8 degree driver and maybe change to a more sensible 10.5 degree or, even better, a 12 degree driver. The fact is that the lower degree of loft has been working against us and we never knew it!

So, stop fighting gravity and starting using a loft that will provide you with the optimal launch angle. Hit your driver longer and straighter. Give it a try, I think you will like it.

Simple Putting Tip

Simple Putting Tip... quick way to reduce your golf scores

The fastest way to improve your golf scores is to build a better short game. With that in mind, here is a simple putting tip that will help you do that.

It is a quick, less than two minutes, video with a simple putting tip from Bobby Eldridge, the head pro at PurePoint Golf, the #1 golf instruction resource.

In this video, Bobby demonstrates how you should always make a longer follow through with your putting stroke than your backstroke. This eliminates the putting problem of taking too long of a backstroke and then decelerating into the ball. It is never a good idea to decelerate while putting or, even, making any golf swing (full swing, chipping or pitching).

Also, I`m sure you agree that it`s best to keep your head still while putting and, just as important, to keep your eyes steady over the ball until after the putt has been struck. You can actually look up with your eyes without moving your head. So, keep your head and your eyes still and you will become a much better putter.

Here`s Bobby with his simple putting tip.

PurePoint Golf

The Golf Driver - How To Hit It Long And Straight

 The Golf Driver - How To Hit It Long And Straight

Here is some straight forward golf driver advice from Nick Bayley, who has a very unique golf swing test that can be found at The Golf Swing Test.

Here`s Nick...

So often I have golfers come to me saying….

"I can hit my irons well but I greatly lack consistency with my driver. Can you give me some advice on what I need to do to hit my driver like my irons?"

If you resonate with that question then you'll want to read this entire article now. Because in it I'm going to give you some simple tips to improve your driving off the tee. And the first thing we're going to look at is your equipment. More specifically, I want you to look at the shaft in your golf driver.

You see, the shaft of any club is the most important aspect of the club that will affect performance. And if you have a shaft in your golf driver that is not suited to you then you'll struggle to hit that club consistently well.

So when a golfer comes to me complaining about great inconsistency with their driver over their irons I routinely ask this question…

"Does your driver have a different shaft than your irons?"

And normally I get an answer back like this…

"Yes, but my irons have steel shafts in them and my golf driver has a graphite shaft in it. Although they are all regular shafts."

Now what most golfers don't understand is that because a shaft has regular on it does NOT mean it is the same flex as another brand of shaft that has regular on it. There are no standards as far as golf flex is concerned. So don't ever assume that having the same shaft flex from two different companies means you essentially have the same shaft.

So my first advice to people that can hit their irons well but not their driver is to get the exact same shaft as is in their irons put in their driver. And 9 times out of 10 just doing this solves there driving problem.

Now in case that doesn't solve your golf driver problem here are three more tips to help you to hit the ball better and further off the tee.

1. Before you take some full swings with a driver you should always warm up by doing some stretches. The golf swing is incredibly hard on the body and you'll only do yourself damage by trying to swing a driver hard without warming up your muscles first.

2. If you tend to fight a slice with a driver you should tee the ball higher as this helps to promote a draw. Conversely if your problem shot with a driver is a hook you should tee the ball lower.

3. When you're teeing up to hit a golf driver you need to take into account the shape of shot you've been hitting with the driver and then tee the ball up on the best side of the tee to allow for that shape.

For example, if you've been fading your driver (and other shots) and you're faced with a long par 4 that doglegs to the left then you're going to be in trouble if you leave your ball on the left of the fairway. So to give yourself the best chance of success you should tee the ball up on the side you most want to avoid. And in this case you don't want to go left as you'll be forced to hit a draw for your second shot and that's not a shot you're hitting well.

So with this in mind in this example you should tee the ball up on the left-hand side of the tee box so you're aiming away from the left-hand side, and you should aim down the middle of the fairway. That way if you hit the ball straight you'll be in the middle of the fairway. If you hit a fade you'll be in the right hand side of the fairway and if you hit a little slice you'll be in the right rough still with a good shot to the green.

You see, you've got to be smart when you're teeing up your ball. And here's a general rule to remember to help you do this…always tee up your ball as the same side as the trouble and aim away from it.

If you're struggling to hit your golf driver well I'm sure if you put these tips into action you'll hit your driver longer and straighter.
Nick Bayley is a professional golfer who has discovered just one golf swing fault that could be stopping YOU from ball striking consistency and success. But luckily for you, now you can take a simple 2 minute golf swing test to see if you have this swing fault or not. So don't delay!

Go here to take... The Golf Swing Test

How To Vary Your Golf Short Game Distances

Here is a real good short video on " How To Vary Your Golf Short Game Distances".

I`m sure you agree that practicing short game is the quickest way to improve your scores!

The video below shows Bobby Eldridge, head pro of PurePoint Golf, explaining how to easily vary the distances of your pitch shots with your wedges. He makes varying of your pitch shots very simple and shows you how you should practice these shots.

This is an inefficient and predictable way to manage your short game. Why not use the same golf swing and different clubs to work your short game? Watch this short video clip and Bobby will show you the basics.

I hope you enjoy theses tips...I did!

PurePoint Golf

Golf Swing Stretching Tips

Helpful Golf Stretching Tips...

Below is a video of Mike Pedersen, Perform Better Golf, and his student Morrie.

Mike has put a series together that he calls... Monday`s With Morrie...where he is working with Morrie to improve his golf game.

Mike is working with Morrie in a 10 week golf swing transformation.

Morrie started out at a 33 handicap, driving the ball 155 yards. He's dropped 12-14 strokes and is hitting it 15 yards further.

He has 2 replaced knees and is 67 years old.

In this video, Mike helps Morrie with his stretching and offers some really simple suggestions on how to increase his range of motion. By using some common training aids, Mike shows Morrie very clearly how he can gain some extra distance.

I hope you like the video. I know I enjoyed watching and picked a few new tips.

You can subscribe to the whole series and get Mike Pedersen`s stretching tips at...Perform Better Golf.

How to Groove A Good Golf Swing

Grooving A Good Golf Swing

This post addresses the problem most golfers have ... How do you transfer your practice golf swing to your real swing?
It also outlines a couple of simple tips to help you make the transition to a good golf swing.

If you are like me. You have done it way too many times yourself and ... without being rude... it can almost
be comical when you see someone else do it. The point is that we all take a smooth practice swing and then step up and flail away at the real swing!

Well...I have a couple of ways for you to combat this.
There are definitely two things that you can do that will help in your search for a good golf swing. Understanding the answer to this question it will make a big difference in your golf swing. When you understand that the golf swing is about technique not aggression then your body starts to work differently.

This fact is probably the most important for the average golfer to understand. Picture what pro golfers and even great
baseball hitters look like when they hit one out of sight. In most cases...they look like they barely exerted any energy. In fact ... what has happened is they have created the proper motion that generates power. When you make your golf practice swing you remain relaxed and free moving. When you make your real swing you immediately start to tense the big muscles in your body particularly your back and shoulders. Your brain starts telling your body that if you want to hit this ball a mile then we need to put loads of effort into it ... WRONG!

Here is the first step. Next time you swing ... remember to keep your back and shoulder muscles relaxed so that your real swing
is as good and as free as your golf practice swing. Remember the proper and most efficient golf swing is all about technique not aggression.

The answer to this question lies in the way we think a good golf swing works...we need to convince ourselves that the pro golfers
swing works...power without effort...and we too will follow their lead. Tensing prior to moving doesn't help ... you need to relax to let your muscles work properly at the right point in your swing. One of the main problems that generates this tensing motion is caused by the way many amateur golfers practice.

How many golfers
have you seen at the golf range who go straight for their driver and start trying to knock the ball out of the range? Many I would guess. These golfers are simply trying too hard. Golfers should concentrate on accuracy on the range not distance , i.e. how close can I hit it to a line from me to the target?

Here`s the second step. One way of practicing that takes out the need to try and knock the cover off the ball is to use plastic balls ... you know the ones you can buy at the discount store.

Once you start hitting these balls you quickly realize you can't hit these balls 300 you don't try to. It results in you concentrating far better on technique. They also have the added benefit that you only need about 30 yards of space to practice in.

The end result is that by using the plastic balls the "ONLY" thing that you can do is practice your technique and tempo. Also,
practice hitting half shots...little swings. Think about how powerful practicing with plastic golf balls is...there is zero "hit or target anxiety".

You will be amazed at how quickly you can groove a good golf swing.

These general ideas and the use of plastic practice golf balls to groove a good golf swing came from Jon Barrett, the author of Golf Swing Eureka!.

How Do You Determine Your Golf Grip Pressure

Determining Ideal Golf Grip Pressure...

How do you determine how much grip pressure to apply?

Some teachers recommend gripping the club as if you were holding a small bird in the palms of your hands. Since few people have actually done that, that scenario might not work for everyone.

Here`s another approach to determining the ideal grip pressure.

Below are 6 steps to finding the ideal grip pressure:

* Check your grip first
* Raise the club vertically

* Let it slide down

* Firm up your grip

* Lower your club horizontally

* Place it behind the ball

Maintaining just enough grip pressure throughout your swing helps you swing smoothly and rhythmically.

Check your grip before you address the ball to determine if you are holding the club correctly. Now, raise the club vertically. When the club`s vertical, release grip pressure until the club slides down through your fingers. That`s obviously too little pressure. But it`s a starting point.

Next, grip the club and raise it vertically again. This time apply just enough pressure to prevent the club from sliding through your fingers, but no more. Now, lower the club horizontally. This move increases grip pressure to the level you should use when swinging the club. Finally, lower the club to the ground.
Your grip tightens naturally as you lower the club. And you should feel most of the pressure in the last three fingers of your bottom hand, especially the little finger.

That`s your ideal grip pressure. Try maintaining this pressure during your swing.

Apply too little grip pressure and you lose your grip and maybe the club. But strangling the club is just as bad. It prevents your hands and wrists from doing their jobs. It also causes you to tense you arms and body, destroying your swings rhythm. Use the technique above to determine your ideal grip press and you?ll find yourself with a more fluid, more rhythmic swing.

About the Author

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book...How To Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros!.
He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicaps quickly. His free weekly newsletter goes out to thousands of golfers worldwide.

"How To Break 80"

Why Is The Golf Swing So Hard

The Answer to... Why is the Golf Swing SO hard ?

This is an abridged excerpt from the book...

Golf Swing Eureka by Jon Barrett

Why do we find a move that easy to the incredibly difficult to perform?

Recently, I discovered that psychologists believe that we learn differently as adults than we do when we were children.

And I believe this may be the key to explaining why we have such a difficult time of it.

The large majority of professional golfers will have taken up golf when they were kids ?

Tiger Woods was swinging a club well at 3!

But...I would imagine the majority of amateur golfers took golf up when either in their late teens, early twenties or even later in adults.

The psychologists believe that as children we learn from repeating the model that we see ? We know that kids are very trusting of what they are told. Yes, they ask lots of questions but they trust the answers given. They see, and are told, and DO.

Now as adults we learn differently. We have already formed opinions about how the world is and how things operate. So when we learn something new we actually test it against the rules that we have already built up in our heads as to what is right and wrong.

Unfortunately for us, the golf swing is actually illogical to our adult minds. That`s where the problem stems from. In our heads we can`t actually accept or believe that that is how the golf swing works. We then trust our instinct and test it against our rules and go back to
what we believe is logical.

Here is what is illogical about the golf swing:

A Golf Swing without Effort = A Powerful 300 yard drive

It`s been said before that the secret to the pros swing is that it achieves Power WITHOUT Effort. How illogical is that!

It`s a bit like saying we`re going on a 200 mile car journey, but we`re not going to turn the engine on! No ones going to believe you.

That`s how our brains interpret it...we think there`s no way you can hit a golf ball 300 yards without LOTS of effort.

So next time we coil up on the backswing our brain tells our muscles right guys we need plenty of effort if we`re going to send this ball long and straight?.

Pros do actually put effort into their swings to get the ball to go that far (look at Tiger Woods face just before impact and you`ll see what I mean) BUT they put it in at a completely different point in the swing to amateur golfers. They also know the technique that allows them to produce such great results....and it doesn`t involve power, certainly not how the amateur golfer understands it.

Amateur golfers think you need to start the golf swing powerfully BUT the pro golfers know that you put the effort in at the bottom of the swing.

If you try and take this point on board this will start the process of adjusting your mind.

In my book... 'Golf Swing Eureka!' ...I OPEN your EYES to how the golf swing actually works... much of which us amateurs don`t appreciate.

Understanding is the 1st key to unlocking your golfing potential.

In my book I also show you where to download a piece of software that will help in re-programming your mind to BELIEVE how the golf swing really works, because at the moment your sub-conscious mind keeps telling you that it is illogical.

Get the answer here...Golf Swing Eureka!

Unique Golf Swing Test

In my travels across the Internet I came across a website that has a unique golf swing test.

This golf swing test was created to see if us golfers have a single swing fault that is stopping us from hitting the ball further, straighter and more consistently.

Apparently... if you have this one swing fault it could be costing you major distance.

If you don't have this swing fault...that's great.

But if you do have this swing fault you'll want to know about it because it WILL be costing you..

**Distance (could be up to 50 yards)


Now You Can Take A Simple 2 Minutes Swing Test ...

To See If You Have This Swing Fault Or Not!

Anyway...I've taken the golf swing test and it was very enlightening.

You can do the same by going here... The Golf Swing Test

What Is GigaGolf?

If you have not heard of GigaGolf, you are in for a treat!

The company started in 1997 and their stated philosophy is to design, manufacture and sell the best golf equipment money can buy. Their direct to the customer business model saves time, money and allows for a greater degree of customization.

Every club that is shipped to the customer has been custom built using what they call their Giga eFit System.

Each club gets fitted for...

  • Grip type and size
  • Shaft manufacturer and flex
  • Club lie & length

You really have to take a look at the website, GigaGolf , to get a full appreciation for the amount that you can customize your golf set. As an example, you make up your set any way you want. Meaning, your iron set can start at the five iron or any combo you like. You get to really customize your whole set!

Now, that`s just the beginning. You also have choices of types of drivers, fairway woods, iron sets, wedges and hybrids and you won`t believe the prices. I`m not going to list all of the prices here but let`s just say that in most cases the GigaGolf cost is 20 to 30% of the name brand product.

That`s right, I said 20 to 30% of the name brand cost and you get the same quality product.

When I first saw GigaGolf I thought that you had to give up quality for the price. However, the more I looked at the website and read the customer reviews I realized that you are truly getting a great product for your money spent.

Take a look ... GigaGolf ... you will be happy you did!

Amazing Golf Mind Review

As most of my subscribers and customers know, I don't just recommend Golf products to line my pockets.

It's very important to me that I provide you with objective reviews so that you can truly make the best decision for improving your golf game.

Sure, I do make money selling Golf products as an affiliate. But... I will only endorse something and put my name behind it if I am completely confident that the product lives up to, and/or exceeds, its stated values.

So what does that mean to you? It means I share my honest opinion with my customers so they can make an informed decision.

This week's review is on a new mental golf training product called AmazingGolfMind.

When I was first asked to take a look at this site I was frankly a bit weary... because there are so many golf products out there, surely this one couldn't do anything different.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that the AmazingGolfMind mental audio program does something that, in my opinion, all golfers who want to lower their score need. Basically it does the following:

1) Puts you into a relaxed stated using brain wave techniques

2) Programs your subconscious mind with the affirmations required to improve your full swing, short game, putting or success in tournaments.
Your Golf game is put on autopilot without thinking.

3) Is easy to use and required only 20 minutes three times a week to listening to a relaxing sound

4) The bonus visualisation software allows to improve your swing thoughts while working on your computer.

This concept makes a lot of sense because it is used by Tiger and the top tour pros. Tiger is said to use subliminal messages since he was 13.

Ok... lets talk about the audios.

Amazing golf mind comes with four subliminal mental audios: Full Swing, Short Game, Putting and Tournament Success. The audios are in MP3 format and can be downloaded within minutes to your PC. You can transfer them to your MP3 player, burn a CD or listen to them on your PC.

The bonus software runs on Windows PCs and is easy to install.

Overall the mental audio program is very good and does just what it says it does. Very relaxing and easy to use. Once again you need to have the discipline to listen to the audios 3-4 times a week. If you do it you will see results very quickly. And for me it's much more convenient to listen to 20 minutes of relaxing music than reading 100 pages of a mental golf book.

So in conclusion if you want to automate your Golf game and put it on autopilot without thinking AmazingGolfMind is a very effective system to lower your score and feeling more relaxed.

Check out the free video here... Amazing Golf Mind

What Are The Keys To Golf Practice

A Few Keys to Efficient Golf Practice

Whether it's in baseball, hockey, soccer, tennis or any other sports that involves a ball, there is a feeling of immense satisfaction and pride that comes from hitting the ball solidly. Nowhere does this apply more than in golf, where the small golf ball goes where it wants on anything but a solid shot.

If you want to hit the golf ball solidly on a consistent basis, the only way is through practice and more practice.

Though you may not think so, the best time to practice golf is right after a round. Everything that didn't work for you during the round is fresh in your mind, and your body and mind are ready to go. Failure to work consistently on the golf shots that regularly give you the most trouble means your golf game won't soon improve.

The key to maximizing your efficiency in golf practice is creating 'real' situations. Ideally, you would mirror what happened in your golf round and employ your best swings. Also work on hitting golf balls from every bad lie you can think of. Obviously, it's extra important to practice if you haven't played for a while.

Boost your game further by visualizing a round of golf during lunch or breaks, on your way to or home from work, etc. Imagine taking many good swings and hitting a great shot each time. See your entire body flowing in unison through each shot, completely tension-free. This isn't useless preparation. You are increasing your muscle memory and preparing them for the next round.

If you enjoy other sports, you can transfer movements in these sports to help your golf game. For instance, the way you shift your weight on a tennis backhand shot is very similar to the bodyweight transfer on a golf shot. Use the tennis experience to remember what you need to do on the links. For detailed steps on how to swing properly we suggest you pick up a copy of the Lady Golfers Guide - it's a 222 page ebook full of great advice, tips and lessons in golf - all from a woman golfers perspective.

When you're hitting a lot of balls in one session, remember to take a break between swings. You will avoid mental and physical exhaustion and can use the time to process what you've learned or accomplished. Remember, you're not out there to hit a thousand shots, rather a few beautiful ones. Hitting 20-30 balls at a time is sufficient practice, especially if the majority of these are struck on the sweet spot of the clubface.

To hit a more accurate shot and promote better contact, pull out your favorite iron and try this exercise: take two tees and stick them in the ground a couple of inches apart. (You can also use two balls.) Try (air)swinging your iron through the tees without hitting them. Start with partial swings and work your way up to full swings as you get better at avoiding the tees. Soon you will be hitting the ball more solidly.

It may sound corny, but don't forget the feeling of a good shot. Memorize it and internalize it, then practice it and you will soon be able to produce it consistently. It's very easy to lose the feeling of a great shot because there are so many variables that went into hit, from hand position, proper grip and good pre-swing body alignment to the right ball position, clubface impact and follow-through.

Source: The above information is just a small morsel taken from the Lady Golfers Guide. This 222 page ebook is full of golf tips and advice like the above, and for just $37 we think this every Lady Golfer should have it.

How Do You Generate Clubhead Speed

Golf Clubhead Speed...

Only 1 in 5 Golfers Know This...

An excerpt from the book Golf Swing Eureka by Jon Barrett

What part of the body contributes the most to generating the maximum speed of the golf club head?

This single answer allowed me to make a huge leap in my understanding of the golf swing, and in everything I had seen and read about the golf swing none of it emphasised it anywhere near like enough.

I carried out a survey on the Internet over several weeks and asked visitors to my web site the question:

'What part of the body contributes the most to generating the maximum speed of the club head?'

Only 20% got the answer correct – That’s only 1 in every 5 golfers! And these golfers had a wide range of handicaps down to single figures.

Interestingly this figure corresponds to another golfing statistic - Did you know that only around 20% of golfers have a handicap of less than 18?

t made me wonder whether the misunderstanding of the fundamental aspect could be the one thing that is holding so many golfers back.

Which part of the body do you think creates the maximum speed of the club head?

Is it:

• Shoulders
• Arms
• Hands
• Hips
• Legs
• Torso
• Wrists

The part of the body that generates the maximum club head speed in golf can also be found in other sports such as Tennis, Baseball and Cricket.

In all of these sports...the role of the hands or wrists is such that they contribute the most to generating the speed of the club, racket or bat.

When the club reaches the point on the downswing where it is level with the ground notice the position of the shoulders. Then take a look at the point when the club is parallel with the ground again, after the ball has been hit and again notice the position of the shoulders.

Look at how far the club has moved (over 180 degrees) compared to how little the shoulders and arms have moved (around 45 degrees).

So the answer to the question that I posed above is that it is the hands (or wrists) that contribute the most to generating the maximum club head speed. The club is moved through over 180 degrees whilst the arms move through less than 60 degrees – all of the rest of the movement of the head of the golf club is generated by the movement of the hands.

Unfortunately the large majority of golfers think that it is with the shoulders and arms.

So we have shown that the club head travels a long way with very little body movement in the final stages of the swing, and this is how the pro's generate club head speeds of over 120mph!

We have focused on the movement of the wrists but it's important to point out that the wrists are only really hinges at the point that the two arms meet and are therefore under the control of the arms.

At the point we have highlighted in the swing where the club is about to travel through 180 degrees (see images below) the right arm is bent at the elbow and the left arm is straight.

Just put your arms and hands into this position (you don't need a club in your hands but use one if it helps). Now simply straighten your right arm and allow your straight left arm to move towards the centre of your body (simulating the point of impact).

Can you see how the wrists actually move in response to the straightening of the right arm? This is a key factor as developing the correct swing relies upon you getting your right elbow close to the right side of your body - if you move your shoulders early in the swing you won't be able to
achieve this position.

When you get this move it feels like you are throwing the club head into the back of the ball, which in reality is what you are actually doing and it feels great as you release all that power right into the back of the ball!

Let’s see less emphasis on the movement of the shoulders and more control with the wrists.

This will create a totally different feel to the way you’ve been hitting the ball in the past.

Sssh... Only 1% of Golfers Know... Golf Swing Eureka

Golf Tips For Beginners

Here is where you can get some real good golf tips for beginners, only 1% of golfers know these.

Actually, you will learn some excellent golf tips no matter what your level of golf is!

Jon Barrett, a 37 year old amateur golfer and author of Golf Swing Eureka, stumbled onto an amazing golf swing secret he cut his average round of golf by 30 shots!

It cost him over $1400, his cost not yours, to make these discoveries. Some have never been seen in print before.

It's been said that this instruction, golf tips for beginners, is presented in the easiest to understand format. You will discover what really makes the difference to an amateur golfer and join the 1% of golfers who swing like a pro.

If you would like to receive a FREE 7-day Email Mini-Course that answers the most troublesome questions for amateur golfers ...

  • Why do I find the golf swing SO hard?
  • Where does all the club head speed REALLY come from?
  • Why is my practice swing often better than my real swing?
  • How do I hit the ball further without hitting it harder?
  • Where can I find the best FREE advice on how to swing the club?
  • What is the best way to practice?
  • What are the best 3 ways to improve my handicap?
  • (golfers in over 27 countries are already benefiting from this unique information)

If you would like to get these golf tips for beginners and more go to Golf Swing Eureka

Ultimate Golf Fitness Training Manual

This is no ordinary golf fitness book. The Ultimate Golf Fitness Manual is the most comprehensive golf fitness exercise training book (manual) available. It's a massive 370 pages!

This golf exercise manual is spiral bound, with a color cover and protective sleeve, so you can take it anywhere and not damage it. This is "plug-and-play" golf fitness. You won't need another book to improve your golf specific strength and flexibility. There's simply nothing like it anywhere today.

Includes 370+ pages of golf fitness training programs, exercises, stretches, complete workouts, illustrations, golf tips, golf lessons, and more...

In as little as 30 days you can completely transform your body and your golf swing by using just a few of the golf fitness and golf swing secrets, and step by step instructions you'll find in your monster golf fitness and golf swing training manual.

Golf Swing Tips like...

* My simple, secret golf swing technique to unlock your shoulders and give you maximum shoulder turn and real power you
can launch into every swing and drive.

* How to create rock solid balance with one simple exercise and power your drives dead straight down the middle of the fairway one sweet stroke after another.

* A simple movement that will stop you from falling forward when you swing. No fancy equipment required and you'll be amazed at the almost instant results.

It's All At Your Fingertips With This Fantastic Golf Performance Resource...

Click here to get the full picture...Perform Better Golf

How to Take The Proper Golf Setup

Proper Golf Setup Routine ... Just Like The Pros

Excerpt from Jon Barrett ... author of Golf Swing Eureka

This is the proper golf setup routine, and it is the best I have ever come across in 5 years of golf swing research...

OK, here we go. This is something that I was shown by a Professional Golfer. I have never seen this before in any golfing magazine, web site, golf show etc.

This is a setup routine to get you in exactly the right position and distance from the ball every time with every club.

I have checked this proper golf setup routine with the setup of some of the world’s top Pro golfers and it is bang on. I have really benefited from this setup routine.

So how does it work I can hear you asking. Well it’s rather simple, which is why I’m surprised I’ve not seen it before.

Do you already have a proper golf setup routine?

Well, this is not any routine, it is one that gets you in exactly the same position as a golf pro. This routine is simple and accurate.

It is all related to the length of the club you are about to use to hit the ball with.

The main benefit from this proper golf setup is that by setting yourself up right to the ball it will give you plenty of room to work in between you and the ball, rather than getting all cramped up at impact.

Proper Golf Setup Instructions

This proper golf setup routine should ONLY be used on the practice range, I don't want you getting disqualified from some big competition!

Any significant change should be practiced - you should never make big changes to your golf swing during a round.

Work it all out on the practice range, check it works, then implement it. Only implement this setup on the course once you can get the right distance from the ball without laying your club on the ground.

Choose the club you plan to hit the ball with - I would recommend that your start to try this setup routine with a 7 iron.

The following instructions are for a 9 iron right through to your long irons:

Lay the club down on the ground pointing away from your body, that’s from your body when setup alongside the ball in your normal stance, towards the ball.

Now move the clubhead (which should be closest to the ball, away from your body) so that it is on the other side of the ball.

So as you look down to the ground you will see the club shaft running away from you with the club head wrapped around the other side of the ball.

Now move yourself to the ball and put one finger width space between the ball and the clubhead as it is laid on the ground.

Now move back to the butt end of the shaft.

Now take up your stance but this time line up the back of your heels with the butt end of the club.

This now sets your feet the correct distance from the ball.

All you need to do now is keep you feet on the line you’ve set them and pick your club up and address the ball.

WARNING: This proper golf setup gives you the correct amount of bend at your knees. To get yourself balanced you will need to push your bum out behind you, remembering to keep your back straight and bend more over the ball.

WARNING: The first time you do this you may think you are way too far away from the ball. I have checked this setup and it is absolutely correct and matches the setup of the worlds top pro’s.

WARNING: You may find it easier to change your golf setup in small steps rather than go straight to this setup – if the ball feels way too far away from you then gradually increase the distance over a few rounds.

You need to practice the proper golf setup as described above until you can do it without laying you club down on the floor.

Soon you will be taking the proper golf setup without even thinking about it.

Get the whole story at ... Golf Swing Eureka

Practice Golf Swing

Is Your Practice Golf Swing Better Than ...Your Real Golf Swing?

This is an excerpt from the book ... Golf Swing Eureka ... by Jon Barrett

"Why is my practice golf swing often better than my real swing"?

When I understood the answer to this question it made a big difference to my golf swing.

How many golfers do you see on the tee making a nice free practice golf swing and then duff or slice the ball with their real swing?

It happens doesn't it ... it happens a lot.

Well ... I came to realize that when I understood the journey that the golf club needs to take around your body then I also realized where so many amateur golfers were going wrong with the difference between their practice swing and their real swing.

You see when you understand that the golf swing is about technique not aggression then your body starts to work differently.

When you make your practice swing you remain relaxed and free moving. When you make your real swing you immediately start to tense the big muscles in your body particularly your back and shoulders.

Your brain starts telling you body 'look guys if we want to hit this ball a mile then we need to put loads of effort it' - WRONG!

Next time you swing - remember to keep your back and shoulder muscles relaxed so that your real swing is as good and as free as your practice golf swing.

Remember the proper and most efficient golf swing is all about technique not aggression.

The answer to this question lies in the way we think the golf swing works - we need to convince ourselves that the Pro Golfers swing works - Power without effort - and we too will follow their lead.

A good exercise to demonstrate that loose muscles work better than tense muscles is to try running down your garden with loose muscles then tense your muscles and try again - the difference is dramatic isn't it and the golf swing is no different, we need to keep our muscles relaxed for them to work effectively.

Tensing prior to moving doesn't help - you need to relax to let your muscles work properly at the right point in your swing. One of the main problems that generates this tensing motion is caused by the way many amateur golfers practice. How many golfers have you seen at the golf range who go straight for their driver and start trying to knock the ball out of the range?

Many I would guess. These golfers are simply trying too hard. Golfers should concentrate on accuracy on the range not distance i.e. how close can I hit it to a line from me to the target?

One way of practicing that takes out the need to try and knock the skin off the ball is to use plastic balls, you know the ones you can by from the golf shop. Once you start hitting these balls you quickly realize you can't hit these balls 300 yards so don't try to.

It results in you concentrating far better on technique. They also have the added benefit that you only need about 30 yards of space to practice in.

I hope this helps you to take your "golf practice swing" to the first tee!

Find Out More ... Golf Swing Eureka

Golf Swing Tips - What Powers the Golf Swing?

Here is an excellant explanation of power in the golf swing by Paul Wilson. Paul says: In this video you'll find out whe...