It's very important to me that I provide you with objective reviews so that you can truly make the best decision for improving your golf game.
Sure, I do make money selling Golf products as an affiliate. But... I will only endorse something and put my name behind it if I am completely confident that the product lives up to, and/or exceeds, its stated values.
So what does that mean to you? It means I share my honest opinion with my customers so they can make an informed decision.
This week's review is on a new mental golf training product called AmazingGolfMind.
When I was first asked to take a look at this site I was frankly a bit weary... because there are so many golf products out there, surely this one couldn't do anything different.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that the AmazingGolfMind mental audio program does something that, in my opinion, all golfers who want to lower their score need. Basically it does the following:
1) Puts you into a relaxed stated using brain wave techniques
2) Programs your subconscious mind with the affirmations required to improve your full swing, short game, putting or success in tournaments.
Your Golf game is put on autopilot without thinking.
3) Is easy to use and required only 20 minutes three times a week to listening to a relaxing sound
4) The bonus visualisation software allows to improve your swing thoughts while working on your computer.
This concept makes a lot of sense because it is used by Tiger and the top tour pros. Tiger is said to use subliminal messages since he was 13.
Ok... lets talk about the audios.
Amazing golf mind comes with four subliminal mental audios: Full Swing, Short Game, Putting and Tournament Success. The audios are in MP3 format and can be downloaded within minutes to your PC. You can transfer them to your MP3 player, burn a CD or listen to them on your PC.
The bonus software runs on Windows PCs and is easy to install.
Overall the mental audio program is very good and does just what it says it does. Very relaxing and easy to use. Once again you need to have the discipline to listen to the audios 3-4 times a week. If you do it you will see results very quickly. And for me it's much more convenient to listen to 20 minutes of relaxing music than reading 100 pages of a mental golf book.
So in conclusion if you want to automate your Golf game and put it on autopilot without thinking AmazingGolfMind is a very effective system to lower your score and feeling more relaxed.
Check out the free video here... Amazing Golf Mind
Nice review! Thanks for posting it.
Golf Reviews