Golf Chipping Lessons-Ball Position

Golf Chipping Lessons-Ball Position... here`s Bobby Eldridge, head professional at PurePoint Golf, explaining the best chipping ball position.

Chipping : Setup - Ball Position
An article by: Bobby Eldridge

Ball is Equal
Clubface 2 Degrees Closed
Too Far Forward
Clubface Continuing to Close to Finish
Too Far Back
Clubface Continuing to Close to Finish
Bottom of Ball
Clubface Continuing to Close to Finish
Clubhead Has to Swing Down Into Ground
Clubface Continuing to Close to Finish

Golf Chipping Lessons-Ball Position

Let's talk in more detail about Part Four-The golf ball is in the Center of your Stance at address. As you walk up to the golf ball and ground the clubhead now is the time to make sure the golf ball is centered in your stance. The golf ball is equal distance between both of your feet.(#1)
The clubhead has to find the bottom of the arc in the downswing. If the golf ball is too far forward in your stance you will risk a shallow swing which will cause you to hit up on the golf ball.(#2)

If the ball is too far back in your stance your swing would have to be too vertical and you could not get the golf ball in the air.(#3)

It does not matter what the lie is, the ball is still centered in your stance. If you have a bare lie, thick rough lie or even an uneven lie, the ball position stays the same, in the middle of your stance. Addressing the golf ball in the middle of your stance will allow the clubhead to find the bottom of the golf ball.(#4)
If you address the golf ball too far forward in your stance, you will have a tendency to pull your chip shots; the clubface will be aiming left at impact. If you address the golf ball too far back in your stance, you will have a tendency to push your chip shots; the clubface will be aiming right at impact.
What you are trying to do is find the bottom of the arc. The leading edge of the clubhead has to swing DOWN into the ground in the downswing. By placing the golf ball in the center of your stance, this will provide you the best opportunity to do this.(#5)
Golf Chipping Lessons-Ball Position... the main goal in setting up properly is to not hit a fat chip. We know that`s a score killer and makes you feel stupid. I hope this helps. Check out this PurePoint golf short game dvd below plus sign up for the series of golf tip videos.

Hit all your pitch and chip shots within 5 feet of the pin by using this simple short game method.

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